Here is the final code (see the different between autocad and bricscad in the code):
(defun c:ReplaceBlockS () (c:RBS))
(defun c:RBS (/ answr ent idx newblock newname blk newblock obj ss M1 M2 M3 C1 C2 C3 E1 E2 E3 ITD GR ORD QTY QTY1 SYS UN MANDIA MANGR x)
(setq temperr *error*);;store *error*
(setq *error* trap1);;re-assign *error*
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command ".undo" "be")
(setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
(prompt "\nselect blocks,Enter To End Selection")
;;if the user selects something, inputs a ne block name AND it exists in the dwg...
(if (and (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) ;; (ssget ":S" '((0 . "INSERT")))
;;(setq newblock (entget (car (entsel "\nPick instance of new block: ")))) ;;Autocad
(setq newblock (entsel "\nPick instance of new block: ")) ;;Bricscad
(setq newname (getpropertyvalue (car newblock) "EffectiveName~Native")) ;;Bricscad
;;(setq newname (cdr (assoc 2 newblock))) ;;Autocad
(tblobjname "BLOCK" newname)
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq M1 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "MAN1")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq M2 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "MAN2")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq M3 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "MAN3")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq C1 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "CAT1")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq C2 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "CAT2")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq C3 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "CAT3")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq E1 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "ERP1")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq E2 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "ERP2")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq E3 (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "ERP3")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq ITD (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "ITEM_DESCRIPTION")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq GR (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "GRUOP")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq UN (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "UNIT")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq MANDIA (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "MANIFOLD_DIA")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq MANGR (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "MANIFOLD_GRUOP")))
;;(vl-catch-all-apply (setq ORD (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "ORDER"))) ;; don't change
;;(vl-catch-all-apply (setq SYS (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "SYSTEM"))) ;; don't change
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq QTY (LM:getattributevalue (car newblock) "QUANTITY"))) ;; don't change
;; (setq M2 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "MAN2")))
;; (setq M3 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "MAN3")))
;; (setq C1 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "CAT1")))
;; (setq C2 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "CAT2")))
;; (setq C3 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "CAT3")))
;; (setq E1 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "ERP1")))
;; (setq E2 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "ERP2")))
;; (setq E3 (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "ERP3")))
;; (setq ITD (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "ITEM_DESCRIPTION")))
;; (setq GR (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "GRUOP")))
;; (setq ORD (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "ORDER")))
;; (setq QTY (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "QUANTITY")))
;; (setq SYS (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "SYSTEM")))
;; (setq UN (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "UNIT")))
;; (setq MANDIA (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "MANIFOLD_DIA")))
;; (setq NANGR (strcase (vla-get-tagstring "MANIFOLD_GRUOP")))
(setq idx -1)
(while (setq ent (ssname ss (setq idx (1+ idx))))
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
(vla-put-name obj newname);;change the name
(if (setq x (getpropertyvalue ent "d1"))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq QTY1 (LM:getattributevalue ent "QUANTITY")))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq QTY1 (* 1000 (atof QTY1))))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setq QTY1 (rtos QTY1 2 3)))
(vl-catch-all-apply (setpropertyvalue ent "d1" QTY1))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "MAN1" M1))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "MAN2" M2))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "MAN3" M3))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "CAT1" C1))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "CAT2" C2))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "CAT3" C3))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "ERP1" E1))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "ERP2" E2))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "ERP3" E3))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "ITEM_DESCRIPTION" ITD))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "GRUOP" GR))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "UNIT" UN))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "MANIFOLD_DIA" MANDIA))
(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "MANIFOLD_GRUOP" MANGR))
;;(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "ORDER" ORD)) ;; DON'T CHANGE
;;(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "QUANTITY" QTY)) ;; DON'T CHANGE
;;(vl-catch-all-apply (LM:setattributevalue ent "SYSTEM" SYS)) ;; DON'T CHANGE
;;(vla-put-textstring "MAN1" M1)
;;(vla-put-textstring "MAN2" M2)
;;(vla-put-textstring "MAN3" M3)
;;(vla-put-textstring "CAT1" C1)
;;(vla-put-textstring "CAT2" C2)
;;(vla-put-textstring "CAT3" C3)
;;(vla-put-textstring "ERP1" E1)
;;(vla-put-textstring "ERP2" E2)
;;(vla-put-textstring "ERP3" E3)
;;(vla-put-textstring "ITEM_DESCRIPTION" ITD)
;;(vla-put-textstring "GRUOP" GR)
;;(vla-put-textstring "ORDER" ORD)
;;(vla-put-textstring "QUANTITY" QTY)
;;(vla-put-textstring "SYSTEM" SYS)
;;(vla-put-textstring "UNIT" UN)
(vla-update obj)
(command ".undo" "end")
(princ (strcat "\nReplaced " (itoa idx) " blocks......"))
;; Get Attribute Value - Lee Mac
;; Returns the value held by the specified tag within the supplied block, if present.
;; blk - [ent] Block (Insert) Entity Name
;; tag - [str] Attribute TagString
;; Returns: [str] Attribute value, else nil if tag is not found.
(defun LM:getattributevalue ( blk tag / val enx )
(null val)
(setq blk (entnext blk))
(= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget blk)))))
(if (= (strcase tag) (strcase (cdr (assoc 2 enx))))
(setq val (cdr (assoc 1 (reverse enx))))
;; Set Attribute Value - Lee Mac
;; Sets the value of the first attribute with the given tag found within the block, if present.
;; blk - [ent] Block (Insert) Entity Name
;; tag - [str] Attribute TagString
;; val - [str] Attribute Value
;; Returns: [str] Attribute value if successful, else nil.
(defun LM:setattributevalue ( blk tag val / enx )
(if (and (setq blk (entnext blk)) (= "ATTRIB" (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget blk))))))
(if (= (strcase tag) (strcase (cdr (assoc 2 enx))))
(if (entmod (subst (cons 1 val) (assoc 1 (reverse enx)) enx))
(entupd blk)
(LM:setattributevalue blk tag val)
1. the reason for the vl-catch-all-apply is that some of my blocks contain 2 more tags so I need the lisp to work on both types.
2. I could'nt update the parametric blocks parameter "d1" (see the second part of the lisp).
if some one can look on it and help me find a solution it will be nice...