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  1. Should be easy enough... is there a set offset for the text and arrow or will it depend on the offset from Lee Macs code?
    1 point
  2. A couple of changes to make from the codes: This is Lee Macs with a return value at the end (the selected points) Refer to above or his website for the original version ;;------------------=={ Offset LWPolyline Section }==-------------------;; (defun c:offsec ( / d e h l m n o p q w x z ) (if (null *off*) (setq *off* 1.0) ) (initget 6) (if (setq d (getdist (strcat "\nSpecify Offset <" (rtos *off*) ">: ")));Chọn khoảng cách ofsset (setq *off* d) (setq d *off*) ) (while (progn (setvar 'errno 0) (setq e (car (entsel "\nSelect LWPolyline: ")));Chọn polyline (cond ( (= 7 (getvar 'errno)) (princ "\nMissed, try again.") ) ( (null e) nil) ( (/= "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e)))) (princ "\nObject is not an LWPolyline.") ) ( (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify 1st Point: ")) (setq p (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto e (trans p 1 0))) (while (and (setq q (getpoint (trans p 0 1) "\nSpecify 2nd Point: ")) (equal p (setq q (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto e (trans q 1 0))) 1e-8) ) (princ "\nPoints must be distinct.") ) (if q (progn (if (> (setq m (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint e p)) (setq n (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint e q)) ) (mapcar 'set '(m n p q) (list n m q p)) ) (setq e (entget e) h (reverse (member (assoc 39 e) (reverse e))) h (subst (cons 70 (logand (cdr (assoc 70 h)) (~ 1))) (assoc 70 h) h) l (LM:LWVertices e) z (assoc 210 e) ) (repeat (fix m) (setq l (cdr l)) ) (if (not (equal m (fix m) 1e-8)) (setq x (car l) w (cdr (assoc 40 x)) l (cons (list (cons 10 (trans p 0 (cdr z))) (cons 40 (+ w (* (- m (fix m)) (- (cdr (assoc 41 x)) w)))) (assoc 41 x) (cons 42 (tan (* (- (min n (1+ (fix m))) m) (atan (cdr (assoc 42 x))) ) ) ) ) (cdr l) ) ) ) (setq l (reverse l)) (repeat (+ (length l) (fix m) (- (fix n)) -1) (setq l (cdr l)) ) (if (not (equal n (fix n) 1e-8)) (setq x (car l) w (cdr (assoc 40 x)) l (vl-list* (list (cons 10 (trans q 0 (cdr z))) '(40 . 0.0) '(41 . 0.0) '(42 . 0.0) ) (list (assoc 10 x) (assoc 40 x) (cons 41 (+ w (* (/ (- n (max m (fix n))) (- (1+ (fix n)) (max m (fix n)))) (- (cdr (assoc 41 x)) w) ) ) ) (cons 42 (tan (* (if (< (fix n) m) 1.0 (- n (fix n))) (atan (cdr (assoc 42 x))) ) ) ) ) (cdr l) ) ) ) (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object (entmakex (append h (apply 'append (reverse l)) (list z))) ) ) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-offset (list o d)) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-offset (list o (- d))) (vla-delete o) ) ) ) ) ) ) (princ) (list p q) ;;Addd this ) ;; Tangent - Lee Mac ;; Args: x - real (defun tan ( x ) (if (not (equal 0.0 (cos x) 1e-8)) (/ (sin x) (cos x)) ) ) ;; LW Vertices - Lee Mac ;; Returns a list of lists in which each sublist describes the position, ;; starting width, ending width and bulge of a vertex of an LWPolyline (defun LM:LWVertices ( e ) (if (setq e (member (assoc 10 e) e)) (cons (list (assoc 10 e) (assoc 40 e) (assoc 41 e) (assoc 42 e) ) (LM:LWVertices (cdr e)) ) ) ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; (vl-load-com) (princ (strcat "\n:: OffsetSection.lsp | Version 1.1 | \\U+00A9 Lee Mac " (menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,yyyy)") " www.lee-mac.com ::" "\n:: Type \"offsec\" to Invoke ::" ) ) (princ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; End of File ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;; This is the notes LISP to accept 2 points as inputs, again refer to the above for the original ;https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=54646.0 ;;(DEFUN c:2 (/ p1 p2 di nm a str hf p11) (DEFUN c:2 (p1 p2 / di nm a str hf p11) ;; changed this (IF (OR (NOT g:tarrow:hf) (NOT (NUMBERP g:tarrow:hf)) (NOT (> g:tarrow:hf 0.0))) (SETQ g:tarrow:hf 100.0) ) ; end if (INITGET 6) (SETQ hf (GETREAL (STRCAT "\n->Enter text height < " (RTOS g:tarrow:hf 2 2) " > : "))) ; FONT HEIGHT = altura da fonte (IF (> hf 0.0) (SETQ g:tarrow:hf hf) ) ; end if (setq txtstyle (getvar 'textstyle)) ;; (WHILE (SETQ p1 (GETPOINT "\n-> Click the first point :")) ; FIRST POINT = Give a first point ;; (IF (SETQ p2 (GETPOINT p1 "\r-> Click the next point : ")) ; SECOND POINT = Now give me a second point ;; (PROGN ; split this away from the setq line (SETQ di (/ (* g:tarrow:hf 0.45) 0.5) nm (TRANS '(0.0 0.0 1.0) 1 0 T) a (ANGLE p1 p2) str "" p11 (POLAR (POLAR p1 (ANGLE p1 p2) (/ (DISTANCE p1 p2) 2.0)) (- a (* PI 0.5)) (/ g:tarrow:hf 5.0)) ) ; end setq (ENTMAKE (LIST (CONS 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (CONS 100 "AcDbEntity") (CONS 100 "AcDbPolyline") (CONS 90 3) (CONS 70 0) (CONS 8 "Texto e Seta") ; Text and arrow (CONS 10 (TRANS p2 1 nm)) (CONS 40 0.0) (CONS 41 (/ di 2.0)) (CONS 62 21) (CONS 10 (TRANS (POLAR p2 (ANGLE p2 p1) di) 1 nm)) (CONS 10 (TRANS p1 1 nm)) (CONS 210 nm) ) ; end list ) ; end entmake (WHILE (AND (NOT (> (STRLEN str) 0)) (NOT (WCMATCH str "*#*@*")) (NOT (WCMATCH str "*@*#*"))) (setq default (vlax-ldata-get "DC-MWA" "str" "TNT-UPVC-D200")) (if (= "" (setq str (getstring T (strcat "\nEnter text note <" default ">: ")))) (setq str default) (vlax-ldata-put "DC-MWA" "str" str)) ) ; emd if (ENTMAKE (LIST (CONS 0 "TEXT") (CONS 100 "AcDbEntity") (CONS 100 "AcDbText") (CONS 7 txtstyle) (CONS 10 (LIST 2. 2. 2.)) (CONS 40 g:tarrow:hf) (CONS 41 0.6) (CONS 8 "Texto e Seta") ; Text and arrow (CONS 62 1) (CONS 1 str) (CONS 50 (IF (MINUSP (COS a)) (+ PI a) a ) ) (CONS 72 1) (CONS 11 (MAPCAR '(LAMBDA (X1 X2) (/ (+ X1 X2) 2.)) P1 P2)) (CONS 73 1) ) ; end list ) ; end entmake ;; ) ; end progn ;; ) ; end if ;; ) ; end while (PRINC) ) ;|«Visual LISP© Format Options» (140 2 40 2 nil "end of " 100 9 2 1 0 nil nil nil T) ;*** DO NOT add text below the comment! ***|;
    1 point
  3. Ok been answered so many times. Of recent and I need to finish it is what you want. Its done already but adding now the visibility. Its a case of making a list of the blocks getting name or effectivename, get visibility then sorting and counting. To do the answer correctly need a dwg showing the table and blocks, as the way to go is to make a custom table style that matches your dwg. Much easier do it one go rather than repeated changes. Need Visibility name.
    1 point
  4. see this http://www.lee-mac.com/text2mtext.html
    1 point
  5. Can someone tell me please what is meant by "maximum arc condition" and how to use it in acad? Please show me easy example also. Thanks
    1 point
  6. You can put (command) in your script file to cancel a command.
    1 point
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