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  1. There's really no need to. This'll do it a lot better than I ever would. Use the Profile 3D Polyline command in CadTools. My script will need to be modified to create a 3d polyline and not rotate it. Then this tool can do what you want. If I ever need this again I will modify my program to create 3d polys and then use this afterwards. The program is defiantly something you should have in your toolbox. https://www.glamsen.se/CadTools.htm
    1 point
  2. Good job deciphering that drawing. I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
    1 point
  3. This go ? (defun c:Test (/ int sel ent add fnd obj bkn bks ) ;;----------------------------------------------------;; ;; Author : Tharwat Al Choufi ;; ;; website: https://autolispprograms.wordpress.com ;; ;;----------------------------------------------------;; (and (princ "\nSelect blocks to check for unprintable layer existed : ") (setq int -1 add (ssadd) sel (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (while (setq int (1+ int) ent (ssname sel int)) (and (setq obj (tblobjname "BLOCK" (setq bkn (cdr (assoc 2 (entget ent)))))) (or (and (member bkn bks) (ssadd ent add) ) (while (and (not fnd) (setq obj (entnext obj))) (and (setq fnd (zerop (cdr (assoc 290 (entget (tblobjname "LAYER" (cdr (assoc 8 (entget obj))))))))) (ssadd ent add) (setq bks (cons bkn bks)) ) ) ) ) (setq fnd nil) ) ) (sssetfirst nil add) (princ) )
    1 point
  4. Here's what I have so far. Thanks @Tsuky for the programs but I was trying to avoid creating surfaces. Hi, I adapted the previous lisp (trying to translate it as well as possible) to work with curvilinear entities. The command is CROSS_SECT. It only accepts a line to define the section (explode if polyline) As before it will ask you to select the section (as a line, considering that the middle of the line will represent the axis of the section) Answer the questions The section will be draw and you will have the choice to accept it or not. Following this another command called: SELECT_PROFILE is available It allows to redisplay a defined section and to change scale for the representation if you update the profile. In addition, you can draw other polylines on this section by forcing the colors to 1 4 5 or 6. If those are drawn then a new call to SELECT_PROFILE with an update will automatically dimension those polylines into a completed title block. cross_sect.lsp
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the link @drdownload18 but David's code hung my ACAD. I found a fn to use a trim method and get the apparent intersection that way. The benefit at least for my limited knowledge is that it will work for lines, 2d polylines and 3d polylines too. Here's the GIF and code. Thanks to Kh.mbkh for the trim intersection function which I've shoehorned into this. I sorted the points by x values to draw them correctly. As always, not pretty code but best I can do. (vl-load-com) ;; -------------------------=={ Section_Profile }==--------------------------- ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; AUTHOR & ADDITIONAL CODE ;; Author 3dwannab, 2023 ;; Thanks to Kh.mbkhs' for the apparent intersection code found at the link below: ;; https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/projected-intersection-between-a-line-and-3dPolyline/m-p/9435434#M398330 ;; ABOUT / NOTES ;; - Takes lines, 2d Poylines and 3d Polylines and allows the user to select a ;; section line to create a profile in 2d. ;; - This profile will get the Z value of the intersection and create a polyline ;; profile. And 3d rotate it and move it to where the Z value is now the Y value. ;; So a point 100,1000,333 will be now 100,333,0. ;; - Points are also created at this location, that match that of the profile ;; lines. This means they are easily identifiable, should you have them in ;; layers. ;; FUNCTION SYNTAX ;; Short-cut SECP ;; Long-cut Section_Profile ;; VERSION DATE INFO ;; Version 1.0 2023.06.25 Initial ;; TO-DO LIST ;; - Try to fix bugs below. ;; BUGS ;; (command "_.matchprop" ...) Outputs to the commandline even though cmdecho is 0. ;; (command "_.rotate3d" ...) Outputs to the commandline even though cmdecho is 0. ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; -------------------=={ Section_Profile START }==----------------------- (defun c:SECP () (C:Section_Profile)) (defun C:Section_Profile (/ *error* 3dPolObj acDoc basept idx lastEnt lstPts newPos pfpline proLines ptFinal ptInterSec secLine ssSel var_angbase var_angdir var_cmdecho var_peditaccept) (defun *error* (errmsg) (and acDoc (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc)) (and errmsg (not (wcmatch (strcase errmsg) "*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")) (princ (strcat "\n<< Error: " errmsg " >>\n")) ) (setvar 'cmdecho var_cmdecho) (setvar 'peditaccept var_peditaccept) (setvar 'angbase var_angbase) (setvar 'angdir var_angdir) (princ) ) (setq acDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (or (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc) (vla-StartUndoMark acDoc)) (setq var_angbase (getvar 'angbase)) (setq var_angdir (getvar 'angdir)) (setq var_cmdecho (getvar 'cmdecho)) (setq var_peditaccept (getvar 'peditaccept)) (setvar 'angbase 0) (setvar 'angdir 0) (setvar 'cmdecho 0) (setvar 'peditaccept 1) if (and (setq secLine (car (entsel "\nSelect Section Line (Line or Polyline)..."))) (princ "\nSelect Lines or Polylines (2D or 3D)...") (setq proLines (ssget '((0 . "LINE,*POLYLINE")))) ) (progn (repeat (setq idx (sslength proLines)) (setq idx (1- idx) ent (ssname proLines idx) ) ;; Code to get the apparent intersection of the section line and profile line (setq ptFinal (vlax-curve-getEndPoint secLine)) ; end point of the pline (command "_trim" ent "" ptFinal "") (setq 3dPolObj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (setq pfpline (vlax-curve-getEndPoint secLine)) (setq ptInterSec (vlax-curve-getclosestpointtoprojection 3dPolObj pfpline '(0 0 1))) (command "_.point" ptInterSec) (command "_.matchprop" "_non" ent "_non" (entlast) "") (setq newPos (list (car ptInterSec) (caddr ptInterSec) 0)) (command "_.move" (entlast) "" "_NONE" ptInterSec "_NONE" newPos) (setq lstPts (cons ptInterSec lstPts)) ) ) (if lstPts (progn ;; Sort the list by the X value. Means the lines are drawn correctly along the X axis (setq lstPts (vl-sort lstPts '(lambda (x y) (if (= (car x) (car y)) (< (cadr x) (cadr y)) (< (car x) (car y)))))) ; Get the last entity created. This helps to get the newly created objects (setq lastEnt (entlast)) ;; Draw the lines (if (> (length lstPts) 1) (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (entmakex (list '(0 . "line") (cons 10 a) (cons 11 b)))) lstPts (cdr lstPts)) ) ;; Select all entities created in function code above (setq ssSel (ssadd)) (while (setq lastEnt (entnext lastEnt)) (ssadd lastEnt ssSel) ) ;; Rotate the selection so it appears correct in the top view (command "_.rotate3d" ssSel "" "_X" (car lstPts) "270") ;; Sample of the lstPts variable (For testing) ;; (setq lstPts '((-11246.5 34919.5 550.0) (-8782.5 34919.5 150.0) (-6782.5 34919.5 150.0) (-6716.0 34919.5 0.05) (-3716.0 34919.5 100.0) (-716.0 34919.5 0.05) (-649.5 34919.5 150.0) (1350.5 34919.5 150.0) (3814.5 34919.5 550.0))) ;; Set basePt and newPos. Sets the new profile from its Z values to according Y values. (setq basept (car lstPts)) (setq newPos (list (car basept) (caddr basept) 0)) (command "_.move" ssSel "" "_NONE" basept "_NONE" newPos) ;; Flatten the new objects for good measure (vl-cmdf "move" ssSel "" "0,0,0" "0,0,1e99") (vl-cmdf "move" ssSel "" "0,0,0" "0,0,-1e99") ;; Join the new profile lines together to create a polyline (command "_.pedit" "_M" ssSel "" "_J" "" "") ; (command "_.zoom" "_o" (ssget "_L") "") ;; Optional to zoom to created objects (sssetfirst nil (ssget "_L")) (princ "\nA profile has been created and selected.. Message me if problemo. Signed: 3dwannab.") (princ) ) ) (vla-EndUndoMark acDoc) (*error* nil) ) ;; end Section_Profile (princ "\n: ------------------------------\n\"3dwannab_Section_Profile.lsp\" locked and loaded | Version 1.0 by 3dwannab. Type \"Section_Profile\" OR \"SECP\" to run.\n: ------------------------------\n") (princ) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ------------------=={ Section_Profile END }==-------------------------- ;; EOL ;;(C:Section_Profile) ;; Unblock for testing in VSCode Road Profile 3d Polys, 2d Polys And Lines.dwg
    1 point
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