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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2023 in all areas

  1. I use a function such as the following - ;; Readable - Lee Mac ;; Returns an angle corrected for text readability. (defun LM:readable ( a ) ( (lambda ( a ) (if (< a 0.0) (LM:readable a) (if (and (< (* pi 0.5) a) (<= a (* pi 1.5))) (LM:readable (+ a pi)) a ) ) ) (rem (+ a pi pi) (+ pi pi)) ) )
    2 points
  2. I wouldn't recommend using subst for this purpose, as subst will replace all occurrences within the list - consider the following example: _$ (setq brgZ '(10 10 10)) (10 10 10) _$ (subst (1+ (cadr brgZ)) (cadr brgZ) brgZ) (11 11 11) Instead, I would use simple list construction - (setq brgZ (list (car brgZ) (1+ (cadr brgZ)) (caddr brgZ))) Alternatively, you could use mapcar, but this somewhat obscures the intent: (setq brgZ (mapcar '+ brgZ '(0 1 0)))
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Congrats on your function - note that you can reduce it to the following to achieve the same result: (defun MA:perp-test ( a b tol ) (< (abs (- (abs (cos a)) (abs (sin b)))) tol) ) Personally, the validity of the arguments should be the responsibility of the caller.
    1 point
  5. If you can build a 3D model in paper space, you can almost always create a viewport that will give you the shot you need. For one thing, you can create clipping planes and link them to a view, which you can then link to a viewport. That will exclude any objects that are not between the planes. A view, by the way, is a more precise way to create a viewport scene than with the basic viewport controls. You can also tailor a viewport to adjust layer colors, visual styles (such as conceptual and realistic), and other factors to get the look you want. It's one of those topics that's easy to learn but hard to master. The more information you can give us, the better we can help you.
    1 point
  6. Vaguely answering, will setting up different viewports help, rotate the items to the view you want and use layers to hide or show details you want in each viewport
    1 point
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