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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Have you looked into point filters? That would be much easier than writing a function. Select the green block and the insertion grip. It asks for a destination point. Type .Y and give it the insertion point of the red block. That takes the Y coordinate of your point and lets you then specify the X and Z. Drag down the green block (the block's X is assumed) and place it. If you have to do that a thousand times, yes, write a function. If you only have to do it once, try the filter.
    1 point
  2. The heavy dark line looks like the border of your viewport. Adjust the borders of the viewport to show the entire region of model space that you need. The rest of the design will become visible when you pull the border of the viewport out to the border of the design. As BigAl suggests, however, the issue may be the way you have set up the plotter. This is one of the most difficult topics in AutoCAD, but you will have to become familiar with the process to print your work.
    1 point
  3. Like this sets the size based on your title block, the rectangs can be moved, rotated, copied or deleted, the next step is that all layouts are created. 2nd option follow pline. Draw rectangs.mp4
    1 point
  4. Thinking about pick points work out a average angle between points so auto L R U D. Just need time. eg right is 225-315 degrees from Y axis.
    1 point
  5. Update 2023-05-07 Didn't do much testing because have a bus to catch... collected all your new born scenario's in attached csv and introduced a few new templates / symbols. Hope it works and project is now finished. RlxSnake.lsp APSFL Latest 4.csv BJC-4WAY.dwg BJC-U.dwg Clamp-2GP.dwg
    1 point
  6. import google maps to cad
    1 point
  7. Looks like you accidentally rotated your UCS. This can happen if you're holding down the Shift key while trying to Pan. Type PLAN at the command prompt and then hit the "W" key to reset your view back to normal.
    1 point
  8. Maybe - (defun 2parea ( p1 p2 ) (abs (apply '* (mapcar '- p2 p1 '(0 0)))) )
    1 point
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