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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2023 in all areas

  1. @mhupp : one of many routines I wrote for fun or just because I was bored (and then only used it once or twice) haha... glad it's still useful. But I wished Autodesk added a dialog editor similar to the VBA form editor. But no problem because in most cases I use last app I made , delete everything except ok-cancel and type in the rest on the fly in new routine (after I made a drawing with design) because like most processes start with a good (block) diagram : how do I want it to look and / or work and then start coding, not the other way around. (defun TC1 ( / dcl-fn dcl-fp dcl-id s drv) (if (setq dcl-fp (open (setq dcl-fn (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "TMP_H.DCL")) "w")) (foreach s '("hhimg : dialog {label=\"parametric fill : Email : Sachin\";" "spacer_1;" ":boxed_radio_column {label=\"fill style\";" ":radio_button{label=\"I-shaped paving\"; key=\"EH1\";}" ":radio_button{label=\"Herringbone paving\"; key=\"EH2\";}" ":radio_button{label=\"Chamfered rectangle\"; key=\"EH3\";}" ":radio_button{label=\"braided texture\"; key=\"EH4\";}" ":radio_button{label=\"binary rectangle\"; key=\"EH5\";}" "}" ":image_button {key=\"HHIMG\";color=-2;width=30;aspect_ratio=1;allow_accept=true;}" "spacer_1;" ":row {:edit_box {label=\"Parameter A\";key=\"CSA\";}" ":edit_box {label=\"Parameter B\";key=\"CSB\";}}" "spacer_1;" ":row {:button {label=\"Select a closed polyline\";key=\"YYL\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}" ":button {label=\"Pick fill interior points\";key=\"YYT\";width=10;fixed_width=true;}}" "ok_cancel;" "}" ) (write-line s dcl-fp) ) ) (if dcl-fp (progn (close dcl-fp)(gc))) (if (and (setq dcl-id (load_dialog dcl-fn)) (new_dialog "hhimg" dcl-id)) (progn (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)") (setq drv (start_dialog)) (if dcl-fn (vl-file-delete dcl-fn)) (cond ((= drv 0)(princ "\nCancelled")) ((= drv 1)(princ "\nok")) ) ) ) (princ) ) (TC1)
    2 points
  2. I have updated the code in post 2to include more functionality, as requested.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
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