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  1. This is get the co-ordinates. (setq plent (entsel "\nPick rectang")) (if plent (setq co-ord (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget (car plent)))))) (princ co-ord)
    2 points
  2. The problem is with your addition that you forgot to add quote ( ' ) in front of the open bracket.
    1 point
  3. @barristann Feel free to ask for any further help.
    1 point
  4. @barristann Don worry, I make some changes . Please try this (defun c:VHlines-devitg (/ _Ang *error* kw s ss i sn e) ;;; Tharwat 13. Dec. 2012 ;;; (defun _Ang (e) (angle (cdr (assoc 10 e)) (cdr (assoc 11 e)))) (defun *error* (msg) (princ "\n Error...*Cancelled*")) (if (and (progn (initget "Vertical Horizontal Both") (setq kw (cond ((getkword "\n Specify one [Vertical/Horizontal/Both] <Both> :")) (t "Both") ) ) ) (setq s (ssadd)) (setq ss (ssget "_x" (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 8 "process") (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))))) );end and (progn (repeat (setq i (sslength ss)) (setq sn (ssname ss (setq i (1- i))) e (entget sn) ) (cond ((eq kw "Vertical") (if (or (equal (_Ang e) (* pi 0.5)) (equal (_Ang e) (* pi 1.5))) (ssadd sn s) ) ) ((eq kw "Horizontal") (if (or (equal (_Ang e) pi) (equal (_Ang e) 0.)) (ssadd sn s) ) ) (t (if (or (equal (_Ang e) (* pi 0.5)) (equal (_Ang e) (* pi 1.5)) (equal (_Ang e) pi) (equal (_Ang e) 0.)) (ssadd sn s) ) ) ) ) (sssetfirst nil s) ) ) (princ) ) Please try it
    1 point
  5. @mhupp please clear me , Where it come from? LISP DATA INSPECTOR
    1 point
  6. (setq LW (ssget "_X" '((370 . *)))) -Edit That wouldn't work because bylayer is shown as -1 byblock as -2 but doesn't show up with entget. Using Relational Operators with ssget (setq LW (ssget "_X" '((-4 . ">") (370 . 0))))
    1 point
  7. ok , on request update # ... Added printer funky nationality , updated symbols with multine attributes so long names with a space in it can be spread over two lines. Updated font in A3 template. Added some edit boxes in dialog for District , Approved & Ring #. Alternatively , if this info changes per diagram (csv will be broken up from pop to pop for each diagram) this info schould be , in a standard way , whithin each pop-to-pop section. Most info can be derived from csv , District en Ring# not (unless you add more columns as OP did in latest csv file , but there was no relation with csv data , only with image in 111.pdf. So thats why I ask either to put this info in standarized way in csv or else maybe combi csv - dialog is an option and now if you excuse me I have to start laying easter eggs.. RlxSnake.lsp A3.dwg Clamp.dwg GP.dwg POP.dwg
    1 point
  8. Nice idea but what about -----G------ time to go and have a beer at fishing club will look into the draw a line in a cell note its exactly that a line nothing to do with a table.
    1 point
  9. I do these things because I like to do them for fun (and sometimes a bucket of sweat) (and swears) but generaly speaking , as a hobby it's fun , but as soon as money gets involved , it kinda takes away the fun and turns it into responsibility you know...
    1 point
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