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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2023 in all areas

  1. I do not why , fom lisp I get this But from command line TXTEXP. work as expected neither with
    1 point
  2. Thank you Mhupp, works perfect now. Cheers
    1 point
  3. Try it and see... (seriously... it is the best way to learn! and is all I would be doing anyway)
    1 point
  4. Like Steven P look for certain blocks, get their scale so you can set a window of length and height. You can get insertion point and for title blocks was lower left. Then use a plot window with correct scale. something like this designed for layout use. (cond ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A0_V4" )(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A1 (841.00 x 1189.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "1175,837" orien "Landscape")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A1_V4" )(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A1 (594.00 x 841.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "837,590" orien "Landscape")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A1PORT_V4" )(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A1 (594.00 x 841.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "577,823" orien "Portrait")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A2PORT_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A2 (420.00 x 594.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "416,591" orien "Portrait")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A3PORT_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO expand A3 (297.00 x 420.00 MM)" ll "-3,-3" ur "280.4,403.5" orien "Portrait")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A4PORT_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A4 (210.00 x 297.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "206,293" orien "Portrait")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A1_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A1 (841.00 x 594.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "837,590" orien "Landscape")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A2_V3")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A2 (594.00 x 420.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "590,416" orien "Landscape")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A3_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "406.5,283.4" orien "Landscape")) ((= blkname "TITLE_BLOCK_A4_V4")(setq sc "1=1" psize "ISO full bleed A4 (297.00 x 210.00 MM)" ll "-6,-6" ur "293,206" orien "Landscape")) ) Again I would reccomend use layouts so much easier for this problem, I had 88 layouts one dwg. There is other code about making layouts like pick a point in model space and enter a scale and layout is made.
    1 point
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