Copied and pasted from other stuff I have and probably more efficient ways to do this
txtsum will display the result in the command line and copy it into the clipboard
txtsumtt will ask for target text to copy the sum into
I think it works with fields, can be a bit variable with summing dimension values, but should do the example above
(defun txtsum ( / entlist1 entcodes1 ent1 text01 textsum acount textss)
(setq textsum 0)
(setq acount 0)
;;Select Text
(princ "\nSelect numbers to sum")
(setq textss (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT,DIMENSION"))) )
(while (< acount (sslength textss))
(setq ent1 (ssname textss acount))
(setq entlist1 (entget ent1))
(setq entcodes1 (gettextdxfcodes entlist1) ) ;list of ent codes containing text.
(setq text01 (gettextasstring ent1 entcodes1) ) ;Text as string
(setq textsum (+ textsum (atof text01)) )
(setq acount (+ acount 1))
(defun c:txtsum ( / textsum)
(setq textsum (txtsum) )
(princ "Total: ")
(princ textsum)
;;Copy result to clipboard
(vlax-invoke (vlax-get (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "htmlfile") 'ParentWindow) 'ClipBoardData) 'setData "TEXT" (rtos textsum) )
(vlax-release-object html)
(defun c:txtsumtt ( / textsum ent1 entlist1 entcodes1 text01)
(setq textsum (txtsum) )
(if (setq ent1 (getent "\nSelect Text to Update (or escape): "))
(setq entlist1 (entget ent1))
(setq entcodes1 (gettextdxfcodes entlist1) ) ;list of ent codes containing text.
(setq text01 (gettextasstring ent1 entcodes1) ) ;Text as string
(addinnewtext textsum entlist1 ent1)
(command "redraw")
(command "regen") ;;update it all
;;Copy result to clipboard
(vlax-invoke (vlax-get (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "htmlfile") 'ParentWindow) 'ClipBoardData) 'setData "TEXT" (rtos textsum) )
(vlax-release-object html)
;;;Sub routines
(defun gettextdxfcodes ( entlist1 / dxfcodes)
;;DXF codes containing texts
(setq dxfcodes (list 3 4 1 172 304)) ;;general
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 entlist1)) "DIMENSION") ;;If Dimension
(if (= (cdr (assoc 1 entlist1)) nil)
(setq dxfcodes (list 4 42 172 304)) ;;No 3, add 42 for dimension value
(if (and (= (wcmatch "<>" (cdr (assoc 1 entlist1))) nil)(= (wcmatch "\"\"" (cdr (assoc 1 entlist1))) nil) )
(setq dxfcodes (list 4 1 172 304)) ;;No 3, no 42 for dimension value
(setq dxfcodes (list 4 1 42 172 304)) ;;Somehow combine 1 and 42 here, text replace and so on.
) ;end if
) ;end if
));end progn end if Dimensions
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 entlist1)) "MULTILEADER") ;;Is MultiLeader
(setq dxfcodes (list 304))
));end progn end if Dimensions
(defun getfroment (ent listorstring entcodes / acount acounter mytext newtext stringtext)
;;get dotted pairs list
(setq entlist (entget ent))
(if ( = (cdr (assoc 0 entlist)) "RTEXT")
(setq mytext (getrtext entlist))
) ; end progn
(setq enttype (cdr (assoc 0 entlist)))
(setq acount 0)
(while (< acount (length entlist))
(setq acounter 0)
(while (< acounter (length entcodes))
(setq entcode (nth acounter entcodes))
(if (= (car (nth acount entlist)) entcode )
(setq newtext (cdr (nth acount entlist)))
(if (numberp newtext)(setq newtext (rtos newtext))) ;fix for real numbers
(setq mytext (append mytext (list (cons (car (nth acount entlist)) newtext) )) )
);end progn
);end if
(setq acounter (+ acounter 1))
);end while
(setq acount (+ acount 1))
);end while
;;get string from dotted pair lists
(if (= listorstring "astring") ;convert to text
(if (> (length mytext) 0)
(setq acount 0)
(setq temptext "")
(while (< acount (length mytext))
(setq temptext (cdr (nth acount mytext)) )
(if (= (wcmatch temptext "LEADER_LINE*") nil)()(setq temptext "")) ;;Fix for Multileader 'Leader_Line' Text
(if (= stringtext nil)
(setq stringtext temptext)
(setq stringtext (strcat stringtext temptext ))
);end if
(setq acount (+ acount 1))
);end while
);end progn
);end if
(if (= stringtext nil)(setq stringtext ""))
(setq mytext stringtext)
);end progn
);end if
);end progn
); end if
;;get text as a string
(defun gettextasstring ( enta entcodes / texta )
(if (= (getfroment enta "astring" entcodes) "")
(setq texta (getfroment enta "astring" entcodes))
(defun addinnewtext (newtext newentlist newent / )
(if (/= newtext nil)
( (= (cdr (assoc 0 newentlist)) "DIMENSION")
(entmod (setq newentlist (subst (cons 1 newtext) (assoc 1 newentlist) newentlist)))
(entupd newent)
);end condition
( (= (cdr (assoc 0 newentlist)) "RTEXT")
(princ "\nRtext: Unwilling to update source file (")
(princ (cdr (assoc 1 newentlist)) )
(princ ")")
);end condition
(t ;everything else
;;vla-put-text string for large text blocks + 2000 characters?
(vla-put-textstring (vlax-ename->vla-object newent) newtext)
);end condition
) ;end cond
) ;end progn
(princ "\nSource text is not 'text'")
);end if