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  1. Hola Toni . por favor sube tu DWG . Hi Toni , please upload your DWG. Lisp can do any mathematical formula as it have this functions 1 Mathematics + --------- Add - --------- Subtract * --------- Multiply / --------- Divide rem ------- Remainder of integer division 1+ -------- Increment by one 1- -------- Decrement by one abs ------- Absolute fix ------- Truncates a real to an integer float ----- Converts an integer to a real gcd ------- Greatest common denominator min ------- Smallest (least) of group max ------- Largest (greatest) of group sqrt ------ Square root expt ------ Exponent exp ------- Power of e log ------- Natural log cvunit ---- Converts a value from one unit to another 2 Geometry & trigonometry distance -- Returns distance between two points angle ----- Returns angle between two points polar ----- Returns a point at a given distance and angle from a base point inters ---- Returns point at which two lines intersect sin ------- Sine cos ------- Cosine atan ------ Arctangent
    1 point
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