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  1. @davenutron It may be time to come clean with us and tell us exactly what's going on here. My guess is that you are a student coming up to a deadline for an assignment and that you haven't done any prior learning. As an educator myself, I would consider it highly unusual if your tutors have set you this task without supporting your learning. As others have mentioned, you are trying to do something that requires a good understanding of AutoCAD basics without having those basic skills. If this is an assignment, the purpose of it is to test that learning has taken place. If Cad64 were to send you the completed file, that wouldn't help you because you wouldn't have learned anything.
    2 points
  2. Sometimes using "Zoom C Pt scale" can be handy as well, most objects will have a dxf 10 that will provide a point to zoom to.
    2 points
  3. if their are going to be multiple results use the following. (while (< (sslength SS) 0) (command "ZOOM" "OB" (ssname ss 0)) ;BricsCAD use OB for object O for out (command pause) ;allows user to see what was zoom to enter/right click to continue to next text (ssdel (ssname ss 0) ss) )
    1 point
  4. I would suggest the mycadsite.com as one place where you can view multiple tutorials about 3D modeling using AutoCAD. Specifically, the section entitled "Introduction to 3D Crafting." Pay specific attention to Lessons 3-3 (Working in 3 Dimensions), 3-7A (More About Extruding & Lofting) and 3-8 (Revolved Objects - Revsurf and Revolve). Actually, it wouldn't hurt to read through all the lessons from 3-1 through 3-8. Now I have a have some questions. Are you taking an AutoCAD class? If so, why hasn't your instructor covered 3D modeling? If this is not the case, then who is this project being created for and why? Here is a link to mycadsite (Note: it is not my personal website). https://www.mycadsite.com/tutorials/level_3/introduction-to-3d-autocad-3-1.html
    1 point
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