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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2022 in all areas

  1. @TemporaryCAD Correct. So then it seems you need to convert the list input into a 3D point that is ActiveX compatible. This is done so using vlax-3D-Point. You can easily do it using (vlax-3D-point 0.0 0.0). Or if you are passing the list that's returned by getdynprops, you may choose to convert it like this: (setdynprops <block_1> (mapcar '(lambda (x / v) (cons (car x) (if (and (listp (setq v (cdr x))) (vl-every 'numberp v)) (vlax-3d-point v) v ) ) ) (getdynprops <block_2>) ) )
    2 points
  2. @TemporaryCADThat function by Lee that you are referencing accepts an association list of values. Therefore it goes as ((<property1> . <value1>) (<property2> . <value2>) .... (<property_n) . <value_n>)). If you were using setdynprops, you will need values as: (setq values (list (cons "Origin" '(0.0 0.0)))) If that still yields an error, try (setq values (list (cons "Origin" (vlax-3d-point 0.0 0.0))))
    1 point
  3. "No, it has many size," ok so your plotting from Model space, using layouts for plotting makes life so much easier. You have a title block at 1:1 size true size then use Mview to scale the objects to be plotted. Anyway this is provided as is and you will need to edit to get it to recognise your title block. There is numerous posts about create layouts from rectangs in Model that is the way I would go. Your sizes are odd the part is 43 long but your plot area is like 196 a A4 sheet is 297x210 if you use a mview of 2x scale that would match to make the part look bigger on a sheet. Plot-titles-in-model.lsp
    1 point
  4. I was gonna say, if you were just changing its colour (a general property), recording a macro would be the easier option without any need of LISP coding. Dimension line weight falls outside of general properties, so it looks like you need some coding. What mhupp put up there should work just fine. If anything, just use (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "*DIMENSION"))), otherwise the command will fail when dimensions in a locked layer happens to be accidentally selected.
    1 point
  5. That's what it does currently but after specifying the two points that represents the assumed line
    1 point
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