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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2022 in all areas

  1. Download Notepad++ it has a lsp style option it is well worthwhile for checking open & close brackets, it also has a run lisp from Notepad code, so you can test as you write. See red brackets check
    1 point
  2. Progress bars are built in as a Acet command. One example. Moving away from using (command and using (entmake speeds up processing immensly but like mhupp changing 1000+ objects 4 times takes like 2 minutes compared to say 4 hours. Still working on progress bar a cheats way something is happening is (princ x) then add 1 to x so see 12345................ ;; EXAMPLE LISP SHORT VERSION (defun c:test(/ progress) (defun progressbar (a b c d) (cond ((= 0 a) (acet-ui-progress-init d 100) (setq c 0) ) ((= 1 a) (setq c (+ (/ 100.0 b) c)) (acet-ui-progress-safe c) ) ((= 2 a) (acet-ui-progress-done) ) ) c ) (setq repeatvariable 10000) (setq progress (Progressbar 0 repeatvariable progress "Processing:")) ;Create the progress bar, total length is repeatvariable or 10000 (repeat repeatvariable (setq progress (Progressbar 1 repeatvariable progress "")) ;arg (a) is set to 1 and (d) can be blank here ;code to repeat in here ) (Progressbar 2 0 0 "") ;arg(a) is set to 2 to close the progress bar, arg (b), (c) & (d) can be blanks )
    1 point
  3. Well, you could always inquire at your local community college as they may offer both basic and advanced AutoCAD classes.
    1 point
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