1. Nukecad - you are banned!
2. The forum is not for politics.
3. You distribute Fake News.
4. Highly likely public deception litigation awaits you.
5. Long ago, the CIA said that all hacker attacks are made from the Pentagon, and not from other states. This is necessary so that free residents of the United States are in constant fear and pay high taxes.
I am an engineer with a higher education, I understand that the yellow press writes a lot of fairy tales, and they do this to get money (there is a customer for such news, advertising). But you are also an educated person, why bring dirt here from the street?
1. No, he is not.
2. No, it's not nor did he post about any.
3. No, it wasn't.
4. Whatever
5. Now THAT'S BS ( I refuse to use that other term).
Knock it off.