(initget 0 "Yes No") ; Limit the values you will receive with getkword below. Only yes and no are possible.
(and (eq "Yes" (getkword "\nConvert to LWPolyline? [Yes/No] <No>: ")) ; When the value input by getkword is "Yes",
; the following is executed. Otherwise it won't run.
; The sentence between " " after getkword is just a message to the user,
; so changing it doesn't make any sense.
; Since it is written as <No>, it is written as if the default value is No,
; but it just does not work if it is not Yes.
(setq ss (ssadd)) ; make empty selection set "ss"
(foreach x (append lst lst2) (setq ss (ssadd (car x) ss))) ; add all of lst lst2 to ss
(if (zerop (getvar 'peditaccept)) ; if pedit conversion alert is on
(vl-cmdf "_.pedit" "_m" ss "" "_y" "_j" "" "") ; press "_y(=yes)" in routine
(vl-cmdf "_.pedit" "_m" ss "" "_j" "" "") ; if off, without "_y"
) ;_ if
) ;_ and
like this?