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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2022 in all areas

  1. Might be that someone has a LISP that will create layouts and viewports based on you clicking the corners of your model space layouts. I don't but it is the type of thing someone might have seen somewhere. Thinking invoke LISP, select opposing pairs of corners, LISP works out paper size based on the selected corners, creates layout and viewport for each?
    1 point
  2. There will be work involved in modifying existing drawings to plot using layouts but don't get frustrated. After you create a few new drawings and import layouts with title blocks and page setups to plot them at whatever size is required you'll see how much time you'll save. Importing all that can quickly be done with macros or lisp like Lee Mac's Steal from Drawing which will bring everything in with one call. If you have any questions on using layouts start a new thread. As they're how most drawings are plotted you'll get a lot of help on the subject.
    1 point
  3. Have you used this file before? Might be that in the code as it loads there is a spare open bracket somewhere a "(", and CAD is wanting to complete the code and end with a closed bracket. Just a guess but try hitting ) and see what it does. VLX though, we can't look at it to see what the problem is Ignore that.... (APPLOAD "C:/Users/Utente/Dropbox/Lavoro/backup/AUTOCAD/Lisp/Plot/PlotDWGarr.VLX)... no " before the closing bracket, (APPLOAD "C:/Users/Utente/Dropbox/Lavoro/backup/AUTOCAD/Lisp/Plot/PlotDWGarr.VLX")
    1 point
  4. I guess we all have our own ways of working, and no one works entirely in the most efficient way, so if Jim78b only uses modelspace then so be it. He is not alone in that. I'll often get drawings sent from one of the bigger manufacturers, multi-million pound business who do the same (CAD doesn't warn me that these were drawn using anything other like some drawings would, I assume they were drawn in AutoCAD). Plotting using LISP however is a lot quicker with less user interaction (ability to make an error....) if you use paperspace. The paper size is set up, it is all zoomed to how you want, you can turn on or off layers per viewport and colour them differently if needed, even set up a sheet to be monochrome.... there are lots of benefits to going paperspace, but back to plotting, my LISPS for plotting "PLOTA3" (or whatever plot I need) and "PlotPDF" is all I need to do,, no other action. If needed I can loop through the paperspaces easily and make a PDF Plot named the same as that. I find it much easier and quicker. The other great benefit I have is that I can batch plot the drawings, very little time saving if you have to pick areas in modelspace to plot, but massively quicker doing it be paperspaces. I'll even return the manufacturers drawings with paperspace set up.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for reply . Maratovich app is a lot of work i think is better make layouts..create viewports on my title block in model space. The only problem will center them in model space .
    1 point
  6. But can it be questioned ?
    1 point
  7. Steven P you can check which segment of a pline you picked so can get arc in pline. No code but big hint is Lee-mac pline properties.
    1 point
  8. 88 layouts click 1 button and they all get printed can not keep up with the pdf generation. Plot range of layouts etc just one extra option. You could easy make your title blocks into layouts been done before. Is there a need to work in model space for plotting or as previous comment other software used that plots to model. Again can make layouts as normally have some type of pattern. Like Maratovich have a plot all title blocks in model but his is way better than mine.
    1 point
  9. It seems like your problem has already been solved, but your question reminded me of a good tip from Lynn Allen about speeding up your break command. One which i have implemented and which I like very much. This will enable you to create a single break point, the location of which is specified by the location of your first click, done. Thanks Lynn!
    1 point
  10. Pressing two buttons is a lot of work? Quite strange...
    -1 points
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