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  1. Something like this (setq ts (cdr (assoc 40 (tblsearch "STYLE" (getvar "TEXTSTYLE"))))) (if (zerop ts) (command "TEXT" "498,18" "3.5" "0" val1) (command "TEXT" "498,18" "0" val1) ) If use entmake can overwrite text height. (entmakex (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (cons 10 pt) (cons 40 hgt) (cons 1 str) (cons 50 ang) (cons 62 col) ) )
    2 points
  2. updated code. fig vla-explode was like normal explode.
    1 point
  3. Set Mtext mid center justified. for the circle & hatch make them a block with the base point in mid of circle. ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;; Copy item to Multiple locations (defun C:COPYOBJ (/ ent BP SS obj LL UR MPT) (vl-load-com) (setq obj (car (entsel "\nObject to copy: "))) (setq BP (cdr (assoc 10 (entget obj)))) (if (setq SS (ssget)) (foreach ent (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS))) (setq ent (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (vla-getboundingbox ent 'minpt 'maxpt) (setq LL (vlax-safearray->list minpt) UR (vlax-safearray->list maxpt) ) (setq MPT (polar LL (angle LL UR) (/ (distance LL UR) 2))) (vl-cmdf "_.Copy" obj "" "_non" BP "_non" MPT) ) ) (princ) )
    1 point
  4. This should put text to the centre of 2 points, if you select diagonally opposite corners of a rectangle it will put the selected text into its centre. Command txt2rect. Also including txt2circ. There is a function in there which returns the centre of the 2 selected points, use that maybe to line up a block or circle to the centre of the points. There will be a more attractive solution along shortly (defun c:txt2rect ( / ptc centretext) (setq ptc (rectcentre)) (txt2centre ptc) ) (defun c:txt2circ ( / ptc) (setq ptc (circcentre)) (txt2centre ptc) ) (defun txt2centre ( ptc / txtset alignment myrotation Edata ptx pty mycons NewInsData NewData entlist entwidth newwidth elist sel endloop) (princ "\nSelect Text") (setq txtset (ssget '((0 . "*TEXT")))) (setq Edata (entget (ssname txtset 0))) (setq myrotation (cdr (assoc 50 Edata))) (setq Newdata (subst (cons 50 0) (assoc 50 Edata) Edata) ) (entmod Newdata) (setq alignment (gettextalign txtset)) (setq ptx (nth 0 (assoc 10 Edata))) (setq pty (nth 1 (assoc 10 Edata))) (command "_.justifytext" txtset "" "MC") (setq Edata (entget (ssname txtset 0))) (setq mycons 10) (if (/= 0 (nth 1 (cdr (assoc 11 Edata))))(setq mycons 11)) (setq NewInsData (cons mycons ptc) ) (setq Newdata (subst NewInsdata (assoc mycons Edata) Edata) ) (if (= "TEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 Edata))) (progn (entmod Newdata) ) ) (if (/= "TEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 Edata))) ;;mtext etc. (progn (setq entlist Edata) ;;could be Edata (setq entwidth entlist) (setq newwidth (cdr (assoc 42 entlist))) ;;text line width assoc 41 for mtext 'box' width (if (< newwidth (cdr (assoc 42 entwidth)))(setq newwidth (+ MWidth newwidth))) (if (= (cdr (assoc 41 entlist)) 0)(setq newwidth 0)) ;;fix for zero width mtexts (setq elist (subst (cons 41 newwidth)(assoc 41 Edata) Edata)) ;;if txt this is width factor, mtext its text width (setq elist (subst (cons mycons ptc)(assoc mycons elist) elist)) (setq elist (subst (cons 50 myrotation)(assoc 50 elist) elist)) (entmod elist) ) ) (command "_.justifytext" txtset "" alignment) (princ) ) (defun rectcentre ( / pt1 pt2 ptx pty ptz ptc) (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nPick Corner 1")) (setq pt2 (getpoint "\nPick Corner 2")) (setq ptx (+ (nth 0 pt1) (/ (- (nth 0 pt2)(nth 0 pt1)) 2)) ) (setq pty (+ (nth 1 pt1) (/ (- (nth 1 pt2)(nth 1 pt1)) 2)) ) (setq ptz (+ (nth 2 pt1) (/ (- (nth 2 pt2)(nth 2 pt1)) 2)) ) (setq ptc (list ptx pty ptz)) ptc ) (defun circcentre ( / circ ent ptc) (princ "\nSelect Circle") (setq circ (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE")))) (setq ent (entget (ssname circ 0))) (setq ptc (assoc 10 ent)) (setq ptc (list (nth 1 ptc)(nth 2 ptc)(nth 3 ptc))) ptc ) (defun gettextalign ( txtset / txtset Edata ptx_old pty_old pty_new ptx_new mycons) (setq Edata (entget (ssname txtset 0))) (setq mycons 10) (if (/= 0 (nth 1 (cdr (assoc 11 Edata))))(setq mycons 11)) (setq ptx_old (nth 1 (assoc mycons Edata))) (setq pty_old (nth 2 (assoc mycons Edata))) (command "_.justifytext" txtset "" "MC") (setq Edata (entget (ssname txtset 0))) (setq ptx_new (nth 1 (assoc mycons Edata))) (setq pty_new (nth 2 (assoc mycons Edata))) (if (< ptx_old ptx_new)(setq alignx "L")) (if (> ptx_old ptx_new)(setq alignx "R")) (if (= ptx_old ptx_new)(setq alignx "C")) (if (> pty_old pty_new)(setq aligny "T")) (if (< pty_old pty_new)(setq aligny "B")) (if (= pty_old pty_new)(setq aligny "M")) (setq xyalign (strcat aligny alignx)) (command "_.justifytext" txtset "" xyalign) xyalign )
    1 point
  5. The first code should be exploding them all at once at least it did on my test. This new code will walk thought all blocks in the drawing one at a time and explode them if they start with CU. (defun C:BLKEXP-CU (/ layouts layout blk) (vl-load-com) (setq layouts (vla-get-layouts (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (vlax-for layout layouts (vlax-for blk (vla-get-block layout) (if (and (= "AcDbBlockReference" (vla-get-objectname blk)) (wcmatch (strcase (vla-get-name blk)) "CU*")) (progn (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-explode (list blk))) (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-delete (list blk))) ) ) ) ) (prompt "\nAll CU block Exploded") (princ) )
    1 point
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