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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Jeez... it is 2021 and about to be 2022 and we are still discussing "Toolbars" versus the "Ribbon"? Why not just go back to the drafting board and a pencil? Evolve for crying out loud instead of stagnating. I'm 72. I started, 38 years ago, with AutoCAD version 1.2 (April, 1983), when it was a DOS based program and somehow I managed, over time, to transition from a menu based program to the Ribbon. If I can do it so can you.
    1 point
  2. Are you starting with a survey instrument file or a csv or getting the dwg from someone else ? Re fnce, fnce-3d the 3d implies it is a breakline. So can do *3d for breaklines, would be pretty easy to do find 3dpolylines add a new layer and change object layer.
    1 point
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