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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2021 in all areas

  1. In doing some more research on this I find several articles about an app or code that must be used to extract X-Y coordinates of objects. Sounds like a real pain to me just to find out where a column is located. More studying finally found the feature where I can pick a point using the Spot Coordinate. Even though the tutorial thread I read kept calling it Sport Coordinate. Gosh we humans are sloppy creatures. I realize this may not be the best method but at this point in my learning curve it's taking care of business.
    1 point
  2. Here's an example: (setq dwp (getvar 'dwgprefix) dwg (getvar 'dwgname) ) (foreach lyt (layoutlist) (if (wcmatch (strcase lyt t) "*plan*") (write-line (strcat "[DWF6Sheet:" dwg "-" lyt "]" "\nDWG=" dwp dwg ".dwg" "\nLayout=" lyt "\nSetup=" "\nOriginalSheetPath=" dwp dwg ".dwg" "\nHas Plot Port=0" "\nHas3DDWF=0" ) file ) ) )
    1 point
  3. Could you just use the read function of open? Don't really know why you would want to open a file and then immediately close it. (defun C:foo (/ F line txt) (setq F (open Y:\\Folder\\Data\\Test.txt "r")) ;opens file to read (while (setq line (read-line F)) (if (not (null line)) (setq txt (append txt (list line))) ;adds each line of txt file to list txt ) ;end if ) ;end while (close F) (foreach ln txt (prompt (strcat ln "\n")) ) (princ) )
    1 point
  4. This is a command line type version for adding scales to annotative text. (command "_.-objectscale" (entsel "\npick text") "" "_a" "1:100" "1:250" "") note the multi scale or just one.
    1 point
  5. When executing the startapp function, the instance of explorer runs within a separate asynchronous process from the evaluation of the AutoLISP program, and, as such, you would need to use a function to interface with the set of running Windows processes, identify the instance of explorer (or more likely, Windows Notepad, though the program used to open the file would ultimately depend on the .txt file association configured on the user's PC), and terminate such process. However, the whole thing seems rather pointless.
    1 point
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