I think what your saying is make little functions that in turn use other predefined functions. That is what I call Library code or I guess CORE code.
The running program may have like 1 line that calls 100 lines of code in another program.
(if (not AH:getvalsm)(load "Multi Getvals.lsp"))
(setq ans (AH:getvalsm (list "This is heading" "Line 1" 5 4 "11" "Line2" 8 7 "22" "Line3" 8 7 "33" "Line4" 8 7 "4")))
This is a dcl input multi values from 1 to about 20 screen size limit.
For those of us around for a while using core code is part of speeding up coding and reliability, 1 package Iwas involved in has 100 lisp files, the majority of the routines make calls to the core package, ensuring layer control etc.
This is an example of get properties you decide what you want from an object.
; properties use as a library function
; By Alan H july 2020
(defun cords (obj / co-ords xy )
(setq coordsxy '())
(setq co-ords (vlax-get obj 'Coordinates))
(setq numb (/ (length co-ords) 2))
(setq I 0)
(repeat numb
(setq xy (list (nth (+ I 1) co-ords)(nth I co-ords) ))
(setq coordsxy (cons xy coordsxy))
(setq I (+ I 2))
(defun AH:chkcwccw (obj / lst newarea)
(setq lst (CORDS obj))
(setq newarea
(/ (apply (function +)
(mapcar (function (lambda (x y)
(- (* (car x) (cadr y)) (* (car y) (cadr x)))))
(cons (last lst) lst)
(if (< newarea 0)
(setq cw "F")
(setq cw "T")
; Can use reverse in Autocad - pedit reverse in Bricscad.
(defun plprops (obj txt / lst)
(foreach val lst
((= (strcase val) "LAY") (setq lay (vla-get-layer obj)))
((= (strcase val) "AREA")(setq area (vla-get-area obj)))
((= (strcase val) "START")(setq start (vlax-curve-getstartpoint obj)))
((= (strcase val) "END" (strcase txt))(setq end (vlax-curve-getendpoint obj)))
((= (strcase val) "LEN" (strcase txt))(setq len (vlax-get obj 'Length)))
((= (strcase val) "CW" (strcase txt))(AH:chkcwccw obj))
((= (strcase val) "CORDS" (strcase txt))(CORDS obj))
(defun lineprops (obj lst / )
(foreach val lst
((= (strcase val) "LAY") (setq lay (vlax-get obj 'layer)))
((= (strcase val) "START")(setq start (vlax-get obj 'startpoint)))
((= (strcase val) "END" (strcase txt))(setq end (vlax-get obj 'endpoint)))
((= (strcase val) "LEN" (strcase txt))(setq len (vlax-get obj 'Length)))
(defun circprops (obj lst / )
(foreach val lst
((= (strcase val) "LAY") (setq lay (vlax-get obj 'layer)))
((= (strcase val) "LEN" (strcase txt))(setq len (vlax-get obj 'Circumference)))
((= (strcase val) "RAD" (strcase txt))(setq rad (vla-get-radius obj)))
((= (strcase val) "CEN" (strcase txt))(setq cen (vlax-get obj 'Center)))
((= (strcase val) "AREA" (strcase txt))(setq end (vlax-get obj 'AREA)))
(defun arcprops (obj txtlst)
(foreach val lst
((= (strcase val) "LAY") (setq lay (vlax-get obj 'layer)))
((= (strcase val) "LEN" (strcase txt))(setq len (vlax-get obj 'length)))
((= (strcase val) "RAD" (strcase txt))(setq rad (vla-get-radius obj)))
((= (strcase val) "CEN" (strcase txt))(setq cen (vlax-get obj 'Center)))
((= (strcase val) "START" (strcase txt))(setq area (vlax-get obj 'startpoint)))
((= (strcase val) "END" (strcase txt))(setq area (vlax-get obj 'endpoint)))
((= (strcase val) "AREA" (strcase txt))(setq end (vlax-get obj 'AREA)))
; starts here
(setq ent (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "Pick Object "))))
; do a check for object type then use defun
; pick an example below
; many examples copy to command line for testing mix and match
; (plprops ent '("LAY"))(princ lay)
; (plprops ent '("END"))(princ end)
; (plprops ent '("START"))(princ start)
; (plprops ent '("END" "START"))(princ end)(princ start)
; (plprops ent '("AREA" "LAY" "END" "START"))(princ area)(princ lay)(princ end)(princ start)
; (plprops ent '("START" "AREA" "LAY" "CW"))(princ start)(princ area)(princ cw)
; (plprops ent '("start" "END" "CORDS" "cw"))(princ start)(princ end)(princ coordsxy)(princ cw)
; (plprops ent '("CW"))(princ cw)
; (plprops ent '("AREA"))(princ area)
; (plprops ent '("CORDS"))(princ coordsxy)
; (lineprops ent "len"))(princ len)
; (lineprops ent '("len" "lay"))(princ len)(princ lay)
; (lineprops ent '("lay" "end" "start" "len"))(princ len)(princ lay)(princ start)(princ end)
; (circprops ent '("lay" "rad" "area" "cen"))(princ lay)(princ rad)(princ area)(princ cen)
; (circprops ent '("lay" "rad"))
; (arcprops ent '("lay" "rad"))