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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2021 in all areas

  1. From previous millenia : https://www.manusoft.com/software/freebies/draftools.html
    1 point
  2. I understood it this way : (setq lst (list "ThanhDuan" '(2 3 3.2) '((2 5 6.5) (4 5 8.14)) '("every" "Ok"))) (defun LM:data->xdata ( x ) (cond ( (= 'str (type x)) (list (cons (if (handent x) 1005 1000) x)) ) ( (= 'real (type x)) (list (cons 1040 x)) ) ( (= 'int (type x)) (list (cons (if (< -32769 x 32768) 1070 1071) x)) ) ( (= 'list (type x)) (append '((1002 . "{")) (apply 'append (mapcar 'LM:data->xdata x)) '((1002 . "}"))) ) ( (list (cons 1000 (vl-prin1-to-string x))) ) ) ) (setq lstn (LM:data->xdata lst)) (setq lst (read (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (cond ( (= x "{") "(" ) ( (= x "}") ")" ) ( t (cond ( (= 'str (type x)) (strcat "\"" x "\"") ) ( (= 'real (type x)) (strcat " " (rtos x) " ") ) ( (= 'int (type x)) (strcat " " (itoa x) " ") ) ( t (vl-prin1-to-string x) ) ) ))) (mapcar 'cdr lstn))))) Not sure, but I think OP is searching to convert list of Xdata syntax to normal original list...
    1 point
  3. Those are Drawing Views from Fusion, use Export Layout (Right-Click the Layout Tab) to create a new .dwg and it will be a block that can be exploded. I think it will need scaled as well.
    1 point
  4. The above could alternatively be written: (defun LM:data->xdata ( x ) (cond ( (= 'str (type x)) (list (cons (if (handent x) 1005 1000) x))) ( (= 'real (type x)) (list (cons 1040 x))) ( (= 'int (type x)) (list (cons (if (< -32769 x 32768) 1070 1071) x))) ( (= 'list (type x)) (append '((1002 . "{")) (apply 'append (mapcar 'LM:data->xdata x)) '((1002 . "}")))) ( (list (cons 1000 (vl-prin1-to-string x)))) ) )
    1 point
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