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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2021 in all areas

  1. In the CUI you can Customize Workspaces, expand Palettes and select Command Line then modify the properties below. Workspace Settings do get messed up sometimes like when a palette disappears. Having them automatically saved prevent you from being able to fix the issue by simply switching workspaces back and forth.
    2 points
  2. Because we can (Defun _mismatchsocks (s1 s2 / s) (while (< (Setq p (Vl-string-mismatch s1 s2)) (strlen s1)) (setq s (cons (substr s1 (1+ p) 1) s)) (setq s2 (strcat (substr s1 1 (1+ p)) (substr s2 (1+ p)) ) ) ) (reverse s) ) _$ (_mismatchsocks "123410" "12310") ("4") _$ (_mismatchsocks "123410" "310" ) ("1" "2" "4") _$ (_mismatchsocks "123456789" "123589") ("4" "6" "7") (_mismatchsocks "CADTUTOR" "CDTTOR") ("A" "U") But then again, that's jsut one way of doing it. Just wait, others post with another way of achieving the same results Cheers
    1 point
  3. @tombu Thanks! I thought WSSETTINGS was working, but it did not work after all... Thanks for the solution!! CUI - Workspace - Palette - Command Line - Modify properties looks like the right way to fix the issue!!
    1 point
  4. The ALIAS EDITOR is your friend. Command shortcalls which are created or edited using the Alias Editor will be made in the correct place, as my screenshot showed, all the way at the very bottom of your .pgp file. Done in that way the command shortcalls you change will migrate with your software. Be sure whenever you EDIT your .PGP file that you SAVE yourself a copy somewhere you will remember outside the software for safe keeping. Always a good idea, because opening a file if you need to, is a lot easier than trying to remember all of them and recreating them.
    1 point
  5. Agree with Dadgad ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ and some number commands like 47 for osnap.
    1 point
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