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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2021 in all areas

  1. All members (i.e. anyone with a post count of 10 or greater) now have access to a new theme here at the CADTutor forum. This has been a long-time request, and now it's here! In the footer of every page, eligible members will see a "Theme" link that allows a choice of the default CADTutor theme or the new Dark Mode theme. Simply choose the one you prefer. The forum will remember your choice until you change it. Try it out and let me know what you think
    2 points
  2. Thanks David! I remember back in the old days when "other CAD" users made fun of Acad's native "dark mode". Acad was just OG the WHOLE time!
    2 points
  3. Dark Mode is much better for me. Thanks!
    2 points
  4. Very cool! Will be using that. You guys can also apply dark themes in firefox and chrome. There are also dark options for windows that make everything kind of jive with the new cadtutor dark theme lol. So recommend that. -ChriS
    2 points
  5. Sorry pal. Nothing comes for free. What comes around goes around. You could probably get some few helps at the beginning, but I think you've reached your limit. If you want to achieve something, you need to strive to get it. If you don't put it any effort yourself, then how can you expect others to do the same for you?
    1 point
  6. @Jonathan Handojo you should know by now that no good deed goes unpun(Ish)ed anyways , @Ish , this is one of my oldtimers but still in use today by me anyway. If it works: fine , if it doesn't : tough.... use (load "vt") , type vt to start command and press spacebar for plugin menu. Row2row is copy and Swap , well if I have to tell you you're an routine uses Grread function so you can't exit program the normal way , either use escape of press space to enter plugin menu again and click cancel. Have posted this many years ago so look for VT on this site for manual. All the revision and titleblock stuff is company specific so these parts wont work and I'm not gonna change this for one person. vt.lsp
    1 point
  7. Under Command List click the drop-down 'All Commands and Controls' and select 'Ribbon Control Elements' and search for Layer. It started out with a different name as I remember but is currently called the 'Layer List Combo Box'.
    1 point
  8. Oh boy... Here's a starting point for you (even though this is probably already out there somewhere): ;; SwapReplaceText ;; Swaps or replaces one text entity with another ;; txt1, txt2 [vla-object] - the text/mtext VLA-Object ;; flg [int] - the integer to flag the operation: ;; 1 - Swaps the two texts together ;; 2 - Replaces txt1 with the contents of txt2 and vice versa (defun SwapReplaceText (txt1 txt2 flg / t1 t2) (cond ((= flg 1) (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (set a (vla-get-TextString b))) '(t1 t2) (list txt1 txt2)) (mapcar '(lambda (a b) (vla-put-TextString a b)) (list txt1 txt2) (list t2 t1)) ) ((= flg 2) (vla-put-TextString txt1 (vla-get-TextString txt2)) (vla-Delete txt2) ) ) )
    1 point
  9. Yep, that is also a potential problem. The editor is a "rich text" editor, so it will try to match the formating of any cut and pasted text, leading to the problem you have identified above. There is a solution to this problem. In the editor settings (forum admin area) the action for paste can be set to "plain text" or it's possible to allow the user to remove formatting as an option. I'm currently looking at these settings and may make some changes shortly.
    1 point
  10. Are they always going to be in that order? what i mean is "change" always going to be the top then "radius" and so on.
    1 point
  11. Yup... I found it like RIGHT after I asked this question. That's not a setting I normally use. Whoops <facepalm> Thank you Dana!
    1 point
  12. it's easier to read for me. Love it.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Heres one in "Tharwat's selecting" style: (defun C:test ( / SS i o1 o2 s1 s2 ) (cond ( (prompt "\nSelect two text objects to swap: ") ) ( (not (setq SS (ssget "_:L-I"))) ) ( (/= 2 (setq i (sslength SS))) (alert (strcat "Error: " (itoa i) " objects were selected.\n\nPlease Select EXACTLY two objects!")) ) ( (not (vl-every '(lambda (a b c / x) (and (vlax-property-available-p (setq x (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname SS a))) 'TextString) (set b x) (set c (vlax-get x 'TextString)) ) ) '(0 1) '(o1 o2) '(s1 s2) ) ) (alert "\nOne or both of the objects doesn't support TextString property.") ) ( (mapcar 'vla-put-TextString (list o1 o2) (list s2 s1)) ) ) (princ) ) Won't work on nested objects tho..
    1 point
  15. you mean like this ? http://www.lee-mac.com/copytext.html
    1 point
  16. Dear lisp experts, I am looking for a Lisp to convert all the region in a drawing to Ploy-line. I found below lisp online but it doesn't work. Can any one please help me to provide such lisp. Thank you very much. (defun c:Region2Polyline nil (if (setq ss (ssget "_x" '((0 . "REGION")))) (:Region2Polyline ss) ) (princ) )
    0 points
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