Copy any number of selected objects along a selected curve object (Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Line, LWPolyline, 2DPolyline, 3DPolyline, Spline) using a specified base point.
Copy options: Divide, Measure and Dynamic.
Starting point is based on closest end point to where curve is selected.
Works in non-WCS.
User has option to align object(s) to selected curve. (03.28.10)
Instead of selecting a curve, user has option to pick points, temporarily drawing a Polyline to copy along. (03.28.10)
If 'Align objects' option is selected, user has additional rotation option when copying has completed (90°, 180°, 270°). (03.28.10)
Enjoy and all comments are greatly appreciated.
Divide option:
Measure option:
Dynamic option:
Updated display align, drawing temporarily polyline and additional rotation options.
Updated: 03.30.10 (v1.1)