If you somehow got the impression I'm not impressed or thankfull for all of David's work , you're wrong. So let me rephrase : social media , David good . David, gives us a platform that doesn't care about race , borders , religion , IQ or whatever , just all people trying to help each other.
I beg to differ with you. CADTutor is thriving because of the perseverance, dedication and vision of David Watson who deserves our thanks. So... "Thank you" David for all that you have done.
Thanks @Lee Mac good to have the feedback - glad it feels more responsive. I think the developers have been trying to streamline the codebase and it seems they've been successful, despite adding new features.
Thank you for all your continued work in keeping this place online David, it is tremendously appreciated - the forum feels far more responsive following the upgrade!
Maybe what he meant and didn't explain was something like this.
;;; Delete all the texts with the string "0.0:"
(defun c:fsc (/ i str ss)
(if (setq ss (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "*TEXT") (cons 1 (strcat "*" "0.0:" "*"))
(cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
(setq i -1)
(repeat (sslength ss)
(entdel (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
The upgrade has completed successfully, and the forum is open again. You will notice quite a few diferences in the user interface but I've tried to keep our theme as close to the previous version as possible. As usual, keep an eagle eye out for anything that looks unusual, and let me know in this thread if you spot anything that requires my attention. Other than that, enjoy the new version of the CADTutor forum