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  1. maybe try moving your 10 / 11 groups right after (cons 100 "AcDBMtext"). Often the order or dxf groups matters. just a random section from one of my app's (RlxMas to be exactly , posted here a couple of years ago) (setq elist (list '(0 . "MTEXT") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbMText") (cons 10 %pnt) (cons 1 msg) '(90 . 1) (cons 63 #bgc) (cons 40 (/ (getvar "VIEWSIZE") 30.0)) (cons 71 atc) '(72 . 5) '(441 . 0) )) (setq mobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (entmakex elist))) and thank you for adressing all who responded to your thread , not everybody is this polite anymore
    2 points
  2. "AcDbMTEXT" must be "AcDbMText" Edit: all credits to @rlx for the good example he offered.
    1 point
  3. @Grrr Give this a try: (defun c:test (/ d cvp vp enx ll ur) (cond ((and (setq vp (car (entsel "\nPick viewport: "))) (setq enx (entget vp))) ;; Force model space before setting cvport (vlax-put (setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) 'mspace 1) (setvar 'cvport (cdr (assoc 69 enx))) (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick Object"))) 'll 'ur) (vla-zoomwindow (vlax-get-acad-object) ll ur) (vlax-put d 'mspace 0) ) ;; (setvar 'cvport cvp) ) ; if ) ; defun
    1 point
  4. In Options Display tab under 'Layout elements' I keep 'Display printable area checked and nothing below it so that anytime I'm on a layout the plotting limits for that size on that plotter are shown as a light dashed rectangle. On your page setup.dwg the heigth shown is close but the height is actually 385.9961 and the width is actually only 583.9942. Of course I've always plotted to layout at scale 1:1 to avoid ever having to pick points for a window. I've gotten drawing from others like that from others which are frustrating since those pick points aren't saved in the drawing making them a Pain in the Arse to plot. You need to realize the plotter setting determine the plottable limits not you. Once you set up a template drawing with layouts set up for each plotter and page size combination and create title blocks for each of them it's easiest to import the layout you need to whatever drawing you're working on and drag and drop to copy them. Another reason to widen the borders a little bit is to make sure you don't have to go through this all over again when your plotter or printer gets replaced some day. Imagine having to modify all your existing drawing to fit a new plotter?
    1 point
  5. I deal with this at my everyday work to generate printouts for hundreds of sections of detailed drawings, and I just cheated a small bit. The difference between you and me is, as opposed to 5-6 viewports, I only deal with one each layout. What I do to overcome this slowness at my workplace is have one "master" layout and copy that layout with a desired name. Using (command "_LAYCOPY") works a bit quicker for me. Then depending on the number of viewports in each layout, you can do (setvar 'cvport 2, 3, 4, ...) and then (vla-ZoomWindow <modelspace>). Finally, do (setvar 'cvport 1) [which I think does exactly (command "_pspace"). Point being, every certain viewport has its own number that you can get and set using (getvar 'cvport) and (setvar 'cvport <integer>) respectively. As far as I know, cvport of 1 is always the paperspace. Hopefully it helps out.
    1 point
  6. Like tombu also always had title block at 0,0 in saying that had little corner markers that were the true sheet size, then title block was inside that around 6mm. Would use the window option pick the 0,0 841,594 and use Centre so always plotted correct. Post your title block so can check stuff like dwgunits, inscale, actual sizes.
    1 point
  7. My tutorial on The Apostrophe and the Quote Function may help to illustrate the main source of the problem regarding the unevaluated expressions within your literal list, however, you should also only use DXF group 10 to define the 3D coordinates representing MText insertion point - DXF group codes 20 & 30 are only used by the DXF file format, in which only a single value is permitted to be associated with each DXF group.
    1 point
  8. First set a new blank drawings layout to the plotter and size you want set to plot to Layout. Click [Apply to Layout] then [Cancel]. Create a Rectangular Viewport using the default Fit option which automatically draws it to the full extent of what's plottable for that size on that plotter. While you cannot explode a viewport you could use the Rectangle command snapping to the viewport corners to start construction on a title block for that plotter. Adding extra space off each edge allows for width of the border line and helps ensure it will be plottable on other plotters as well. For those who bind multiple hard copy sheets into a plan set adding extra border on the left side for binding them is needed as well.
    1 point
  9. parcel : dialog {key="Title";label=" Parcel"; spacer; :boxed_radio_row {children_fixed_width=true; label=" Test1 "; :radio_button {width=16;label=" Polyline ";key="tpol";value="1";} :radio_button {width=16;label=" Mtext ";key="tmtex";}} :boxed_radio_row {children_fixed_width=true;label=" Test2 "; :radio_button {width=16;label=" Color ";key = "ttep";value = "1";} :radio_button {width=16;label=" LineWeight ";key = "ttem";}} :boxed_radio_row {children_fixed_width=true;label=" Closed Polyline "; :radio_button {width=16;label=" in ";key="tiin";value="1";} :radio_button {width=16;label= " Out ";key="tiout";}} :boxed_radio_row {children_fixed_width=true;label=" UnClosed Polyline "; :radio_button {width=16;label=" Up ";key="tiup";value="1";} :radio_button {width=16;label= " Bottom ";key="tibottom";}} spacer;spacer; :column {:row {fixed_width=true;alignment=centered; :button {key="bt_save";label="Save";} :button {is_default=true;key="bt_exit";label="Exit";}}} }
    1 point
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