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  1. @gsc I don't know of a way to do this automatically; there would be no way to determine if the segments represented an arc or not. This could be done in a program manually however by selecting the LINES that represent each arc. The process in the code would be something like: 1.) Select the polylines representing the Arc. 2.) Join the segments together into a Polyline. 3.) Convert to a fit polyline 4.) Get the halfway Parameter of the Polyline and the point at the parameter. 5.) Get the start and end points of the Polyline. 6.) Draw a 3 point Arc and delete the polyline. NOTE: This method may not give accurate results depending on the amount of segments making up the polyline, but it would be close.
    1 point
  2. Give this a shot and let me knw. (defun c:Test ( / i s e g p q l r m d) ;; Tharwat - Date: 25.Mar.2021 ;; (and (princ "\nSelect parallel line objects to replace with closed polylines : ") (setq i -1 s (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "LINE")))) (while (setq i (1+ i) e (ssname s i)) (setq g (entget e) p (cdr (assoc 10 g)) q (cdr (assoc 11 g)) l (cons (list (cdr (assoc -1 g)) (mapcar '(lambda (j k) (/ (+ j k) 2.)) p q) p q) l) ) ) (progn (foreach itm l (or (vl-position (car itm) d) (and (setq m (cadr itm)) (setq r (cadr (vl-sort l '(lambda (j k) (< (distance m (cadr j)) (distance m (cadr k))))))) (not (vl-position (car r) d)) (setq p (caddr itm)) (entmake (append (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbPolyline") '(90 . 4) '(70 . 1)) (mapcar (function (lambda (n) (cons 10 n))) (append (list p) (vl-sort (cddr r) '(lambda (j k) (< (distance p j) (distance p k)))) (list (cadddr itm)) ) ) ) ) (setq d (cons (car itm) d) d (cons (car r) d) ) ) ) ) (mapcar 'entdel d) ) ) (princ) ) (vl-load-com)
    1 point
  3. LeeMac to the rescue once again... http://lee-mac.com/steal.html Thank you so very much!
    1 point
  4. version 2 ; Join end of 2 multiple lines convert to pline ; By Alan H March 2021 (defun c:joinends ( / pt1 pt2 start end swapends) (defun ah:swapends (pt / temp d1 d2 ent) (setq ent (entget (ssname (ssget pt)0 ))) (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 ent))) (setq end (cdr (assoc 11 ent))) (setq start (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq d1 (distance pt end)) (setq d2 (distance pt start)) (if (< d1 d2) (progn (setq temp end) (setq end start) (setq start temp) ) ) (command "erase" (cdr (assoc -1 ent)) "") (princ) ) (setq oldsnap (getvar 'osmode)) (prompt "\nPick points eg left and right of lines") (setq pt1 (getpoint "\Pick 1st point ")) (setq pt2 (getpoint pt1 "\Pick 2nd point ")) (setq lst (list pt1 pt2)) (setq ss (ssget "F" lst (list (cons 0 "*line")))) (setq lay (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname ss 0))))) (setq lst2 '()) (repeat (setq x (sslength ss)) (setq ent (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1)))) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent)) (setq pt3 (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto obj pt1)) (setq dist (distance pt1 pt3)) (setq lst2 (cons (list dist pt3) lst2)) ) (setq lst2 (vl-sort lst2 '(lambda (x y) (< (car x)(car y))))) (setq lst '()) (setq x 0) (setvar 'osmode 0) (repeat (/ (sslength ss) 2) (setq lst '()) (setq pt3 (nth 1 (nth x lst2))) (ah:swapends pt3) (setq lst (cons (list (car start) (cadr start))lst)) (setq lst (cons (list (car end)(cadr end)) lst)) (setq pt4 (nth 1 (nth (+ x 1) lst2))) (ah:swapends pt4) (setq lst (cons (list (car end)(cadr end)) lst)) (setq lst (cons (list (car start) (cadr start))lst)) (setq x (+ x 2)) (entmakex (append (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 8 lay) (cons 90 (length lst)) (cons 70 1)) (mapcar (function (lambda (p) (cons 10 p))) lst) ) ) ) (setvar 'osmode oldsnap) (princ) )
    1 point
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