I sometimes take the track log from the old GPS I use when hang gliding to create a kml file that I can use to see my flight in Google Earth. All you need is an text editor (I use Notepad++) to create the file.
You can use the following code (the start of one of my flights) and substitute your coordinate data via cut and paste to draw a path from your data. I've left some of my coordinate data in the file of the start of my flight so you can see what it should look like. You should of course replace these values with your data. You may also want to replace the altitudemode value of "absolute" with another value if you just want the path on the ground and not in 3D.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0">
<name>Location label here</name>
<!--Substitute your starting longitude and latidue coordinates in the next 2 lines
then adjust the range tilt and heading values to what you want. -->
<!-- Substitute your longitude, latitude, and altitude values for as follows-->
Sample KML.kml