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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2021 in all areas

  1. The value of 0.924999...955 is a consequence of the accuracy problems associated with the double-precision floating-point format used to store real numbers in computer memory - this is described in more detail here, here, and here. Your code demonstrates one possible way to cater for this, however, note that your method would yield undesirable results for measurements such as 0.9249: _$ (rtos (distof (rtos 0.9249 2 3) 2) 2 2) "0.93" _$ (rtos 0.9249 2 2) "0.92" As such, a safer way to account for the rounding of doubles would be to add a small tolerance to the original value prior to rounding, e.g.: _$ (rtos (+ 1e-8 0.924999999999955) 2 2) "0.93" _$ (rtos (+ 1e-8 0.9249) 2 2) "0.92" However, note that retrieving the dimension measurement value and rounding to a given number of decimal places may still not yield a string which matches that displayed by the dimension, as a result of dimension style configuration - to obtain the value displayed by the dimension, you can obtain the MText content found within the dimension block, e.g.: ;; Get Dimension String - Lee Mac ;; Returns the displayed content of a dimension (defun LM:getdimstring ( ent / enx rtn ) (if (and (setq enx (entget ent)) (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 enx)) "*DIMENSION") (setq ent (tblobjname "block" (cdr (assoc 2 enx)))) (setq ent (entnext ent) enx (entget ent) ) ) (while (and ent (null rtn)) (if (= "MTEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 enx))) (setq rtn (cdr (assoc 1 enx))) ) (setq ent (entnext ent) enx (entget ent) ) ) ) rtn )
    2 points
  2. Hi My method works with ttf only, based on the area and the perimeter of the outer boundary. Unfortunately, this doesn't work in your situation. I think it is possible, with my lisp and some extra steps, or some other methods, but now I don't have the time. Sorry.
    1 point
  3. Nice tombu. Gave it a try lucky9 you may have to outsource, its pretty quick. Undershoot Modified object(s) :1644 Deleted object(s) :1 Created object(s) :758
    1 point
  4. Civil 3D has a tool for that but AutoCAD does not. https://civilimmersion.typepad.com/civil_immersion/2020/09/creating-higher-value-geometry-using-the-map-cleanup-tools-in-civil-3d.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CivilImmersion+(Civil+Immersion)
    1 point
  5. As a long time user of AutoCAD and Inventor and a retired CAD Manager, I believe my experience and dealings with both Autodesk and their local agent qualify me to make the following statement. Upon retirement, I wanted a CAD app at home, but could not afford to purchase Autodesk products. So, I purchased IntelliCAD as a 2D alternative and in the main as it is closely aligned to AutoCAD was happy. However, I now have 2 gripes to publish..... 1. I noted after a trouble free install that CHPROP did not work, so I raised a concern via the software and subsequent email re this fault. I am running the app on Windows 8.1. The only reply I got was that their version worked on Windows 7, which is of no help to me. I replied politely expressing my concern and was re-sent their original reply. It is one of the commands I use most, in 2D drafting. Not Happy....... 2. I recently upgraded to Windows 10 to discover that IntelliCAD needed reauthorisation. On further investigation, I discovered that if one changes computer, or OS, then IntelliCAD needs to be de-authorised first, the subsequent file sent to them to show it has been deauthorised. Then once reinstalled it can then be reauthorised. I did not know that before I changed to Win10 and appears that in this event there is a cost, which I believe is totally wrong and not something I have experienced with any software provider in nearly 30yrs of CAD and 45yrs working with computers. I sent them an email over a week ago re this issue and to date have had no reply. As a consequence, and as one has 30 days from upgrade to Win10 to revert back to 8.1, I have reverted back. Once I did this, IntelliCAD then worked again, albeit not the CHPROP. My opinion is, "Don't complain about the service from IntelliCAD, there isn't any!"
    1 point
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