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  1. In the absence of a better solution, please accept this one which I propose. Any comments are welcome. ;;Read shape names defined inside a SHX file ;;lido 22.01.2121 (defun shpnames (SHX_file / $line EXE_file INN_file OPN_file OUT_file SHP_list TMP_file) (cond ( (not (setq INN_file (findfile SHX_file))) (alert (strcat SHX_file " file not found."))) ( (not (setq EXE_file (findfile "dumpshx.exe"))) (alert "dumpshx.exe file not found.")) ( T (setq OUT_file (vl-filename-mktemp (strcat (vl-filename-base SHX_file) ".SHP"))) (if (> (startapp (strcat EXE_file " -o " OUT_file " " INN_file)) 2) (progn (while (< (vl-file-size OUT_file) 1)) ;;Delay, do not delete! (setq OPN_file (open OUT_file "r")) (while (setq $line (read-line OPN_file)) (if (= (substr $line 1 1) "*") (setq SHP_list (cons (substr $line (- (strlen $line) (vl-position 44 (reverse (vl-string->list $line))) -1)) SHP_list)) ) ) (close OPN_file) (if (setq TMP_file (findfile (strcat (vl-filename-directory OUT_file) "\\" (vl-filename-base OUT_file) ".TMP"))) (vl-file-delete TMP_file)) ;;Dumpshx.exe Version 1.3 make this file (while (findfile OUT_file) (vl-file-delete OUT_file)) ;;An other delay, do not delete! ) ) ) ) (vl-sort SHP_list (function (lambda (a b) (< a b)))) ) ;;shpnames (vl-load-com)
    1 point
  2. I was able to do this myself. The slice command at the end works best in 2d wireframe mode with the 3 point option - for ease of snapping to the intended points. Personally I always keep both sides after slicing, then delete the one I don't want. Just seems easier for me I dunno. The resultant object is a pyramid. but if you look at the sides it is half of a circle. This is like some MC Escher stuff. lol. -ChriS
    1 point
  3. The old Romans shx font was an improvement on the original AutoCAD font where an "A" looked like a house and was defined via a 5 x 7 grid. Romans uses a fine grid (14 x 21?) to define each line of a character. True Type fonts in contrast use Bezier splines to define smooth curves for each character that maintain the appearance of a smooth curved even when scaled up. Here's a comparison of the stick font romans and the True Type font RomanS_IV25. Note that each uses a mono spacing for the numerals 0 - 9 but uses different widths for alphabetic characters. It should be noted that although the True Type RomanS_IV25 could have has smooth curves it was defined to have straight lines of the old grid based line fonts. In the image below the first line is Romans, the second is RomaS_IV25, and the third Arial. Arial use the full capabilities of splines to create a smooth curve.
    1 point
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