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  1. (cons (car alit) (apply 'append (mapcar '(lambda (a b / d n r) (setq d (- b a) n (if (< d 15.0) 3 4) d (/ d n) ) (repeat n (setq r (cons b r) b (- b d))) r ) alit (cdr alit) ) ) )
    1 point
  2. Perhaps: (defun linearparam-p ( blk / ent ) (and (setq ent (tblobjname "block" blk)) (setq ent (cdr (assoc 360 (member '(102 . "{ACAD_XDICTIONARY") (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget ent)))))))) (vl-some '(lambda ( x ) (and (= 360 (car x)) (= "BLOCKLINEARPARAMETER" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (cdr x))))))) (dictsearch ent "acad_enhancedblock")) ) ) _$ (linearparam-p "dynamic_block") T
    1 point
  3. Draw a line across your break point before you copy, and then trim the excess on each copy.
    1 point
  4. agree! 1e2 1e-8 1.2e3 1.23e-4 1e+3
    1 point
  5. I guess it depends on how much validation you require on whether or not a set of characters really represent a number.
    1 point
  6. Does the (## ## ##) mean you want them as a list?
    1 point
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