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  1. Good catch pkenewell , probably simpler to implement too. Done something simular in the past.... wow , 2015, has it been five years ago already... how time flies... don't even know how this program works anymore haha
    1 point
  2. Another Idea is to have a List Box with all the values tabbed, then double-click to edit and display a nested dialog to edit the values. Attached is an example I use for a Parts List program I created a long time ago.
    1 point
  3. Thanx for the lunch break Grrr... wish I had the time , its full moon and still working to get something finished for my colleagues tomorrow... even have no time to go witch hunting now boehoehoe Still I wonder , how are you gonna populate such a dialog , what kind of data would need such a construction. Seems a little academic? Well, back to work , hope I'm finished bee-4 the sun rises
    1 point
  4. Hello i modify your code and thik this may work for you. If i understand correct every 3 point from your list is different arc. (defun T:spaceremover (lst / ttr ttr2) (setq ttr (subst 32 44 (subst 32 9 (vl-string->list lst)))) (repeat (length ttr) (if (and (= (car ttr) 32) (= (cadr ttr) 32)) (princ) (setq ttr2 (cons (car ttr) ttr2))) (setq ttr (cdr ttr)) ) (vl-string-trim " " (vl-list->string (reverse ttr2))) ) (defun LM:group<n ( l n / a b m ) (while l (setq m n) (while (and l (< 0 m)) (setq a (cons (car l) a) l (cdr l) m (1- m) ) ) (setq b (cons (reverse a) b) a nil ) ) (reverse b) ) (defun c:try1 (/ f dataline lst str lst2 lst3 lst4) (setq f (open "C:\\Trudy-menu\\Lisp\\all_Lisp\\3d_arc\\try1.csv" "r")) (while (setq dataline (read-line f)) (setq lst (cons dataline lst)) ) (setq lst (reverse lst)) (repeat (- (length lst) 1) (setq str (T:spaceremover (car (cdr lst)))) (setq lst2 nil) (setq i 0 n (strlen " ")) (while (setq j (vl-string-search " " str i)) (setq lst2 (cons (atof (substr str (1+ i)(- j i))) lst2) i (+ j n) ) ) (setq lst2 (reverse (cons (atof (substr str (1+ i))) lst2))) (setq lst3 (cons lst2 lst3)) (setq lst (cdr lst)) ) (setq lst4 (LM:group<n (reverse lst3) 3)) (repeat (length lst4) (if (= (length (car lst4)) 3) (progn (command "_ucs" "_w") (command "_ucs" "_3p" (nth 0 (car lst4)) (nth 1 (car lst4)) (nth 2 (car lst4))) (command "arc" (trans (nth 0 (car lst4)) 0 1) (trans (nth 1 (car lst4)) 0 1) (trans (nth 2 (car lst4)) 0 1)) (command "_ucs" "_w") ) ) (setq lst4 (cdr lst4)) ) (close f) (princ) )
    1 point
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