ColorX - change color all object of drawing. All layer unlock and thaw
ColorXREF change color xref only on a current session. All layer unlock and thaw
ColorXL - change color all object of drawing. Objects on the locked and frozen layers are ignored
ColorXREFL change color xref only on a current session. Objects on the locked and frozen layers are ignored
*** Add 20.03.2009 - Now ColorX ColorXREF work with Attrubutes
*** Add 31.03.2009 - Now ColorX and ColorXREF colored dimension (include radius).
*** Add 02.04.2009 - Change color Qleader, Mtext, Mleader. Add Simple progressbar
*** Add 19.20.2012 - minor changes to the code to be able to run in batch mode
In batch mode use function _colorx or _colorxref
(_colorx 1 t) ;_change the color of all objects in red
(_colorx 1 nil) ;_change the color of all objects in red, except for objects on locked layers
(_colorxref 1 t) ;_change the color of all xref objects in red
(_colorxref 1 nil) ;_change the color of all xref objects in red, except for objects on locked layers
Links to other useful commands
BLCC - Changes color of the chosen blocks
ENCC - Changes color of the chosen objects (may be element of the block)
ColorA - Changes in the color of selected items in the area
COLORXLAY - changes xref layer colors
COLORFL - Color From Layer
PFL - Properties From Layer
Attcol - Attribute Color
If you want to operate colour of xref objects in the blanket drawing:
1. Open Xref (sourcing drawing.dwg)
2. Run ColorX and set color bylayer a blanket drawing
4. Creat layer "Xref"
5. Set layer "Xref" current
6 use xref command to attach the source drawing (sourcing drawing.dwg)
7.change the xref color in layer manager. choose grey
NOTE. If some objects in xref (sourcing drawing.dwg) are placed on a layer 0 your mast change layer of an insert of the external reference in a blanket drawing to grey too. (layer "XREF")
I do not know as this technical term sounds in English. I translate from Russian: there Is an emersion of a layer 0. All objects located on 0 layer in drawing of the external reference (sourcing drawing.dwg) inherit properties of a external reference layer in blanket drawing (layer "XREF")