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  1. What I know about VBa is dangerous, some stuff missing to test maybe Cells(rn, 2) = rn - 1 rn-2 ?
    1 point
  2. this site has a special vba forum , think you should post there. I have close to zero experience with vba so I gonna do a wild guess : i = -1: Cells(0, 1) = "SNo.": Cells(1, 2) = "EASTING": Cells(1, 3) = "NORTHING": Cells(1, 4) = "ELEVATION": Cells(1, 5) = "Object Name": Cells(1, 6) = "Length": Cells(1, 7) = "Radius": I assume i=-1 is a counter and you probably use ...bladiebla (set i (i +1))... at some point. In lisp the first item in a list is number 0 , but , just guessing here , maybe vba / excel starts with 1? I don't have vba enabled in my autocad so I can't test it. I'm sure other users here use vba , I believe Bigal has some experience with vba and he respons to many of the questions posted on this forum so I wouldn't be surpised he will give you a (better) answer.
    1 point
  3. Anyway, the asterisk was to populate the 'blank' line at the end so one does not have to put an extra blank line after the hatch information. Nothwithstanding advice from my elders and betters, I thought I would also write Wood Floor patterns for 100 units wide planks, 6 units wide planks and 4 units wide planks I hope they work. If not, pay attention to those who know! WoodFloor150.pat WoodFloor4.pat WoodFloor6.pat WoodFloor100.pat
    1 point
  4. I had a quiet afternoon so I wrote a pattern file for a Wood Flooring Hatch. It is based on a plank width of 150 drawing units, and lengths to suit your picture. One cannot have a completely random hatch pattern, but if the repeat spacing is large enough, the eye can get fooled. Here is the pattern file, and you will notice that at the end, instead of a blank line, one can put a line starting with a * and then one can put a credit for the creator. Save the file as WoodFloor.pat and put it where AutoCAD can find it. *WoodFloor, Wooden Flooring 0,0,0,0,150 90,125,0,0,3015,150,-300,150,-450 90,0,150,0,3015,150,-600,150,-150 90,280,750,0,3015,150,-900 90,470,300,0,3015,150,-900 90,565,600,0,3015,150,-900 90,752.5,900,0,3015,150,-900 90,941,150,0,3015,150,-900 90,1350,450,0,3015,150,-900 90,1412.5,750,0,3015,150,-900 90,1485,0,0,3015,150,-900 90,1697.5,300,0,3015,150,-900 90,1791,600,0,3015,150,-900 90,2074,900,0,3015,150,-900 90,2168,150,0,3015,150,-900 90,2546,750,0,3015,150,-900 90,2671,0,0,3015,150,-300,150,-450 90,2892,300,0,3015,150,-150,150,-600 *eldon, CADTutor Forum 2020
    1 point
  5. look at the autolisp cvunit function. and make the changes here (defun ARE_DCL (area / strArea list_textset); REFERENCE ONLY (setq strArea (strcat "\n Total Area: " (rtos area 2 2) "\n" ; (rtos (* 1 area) 2 2) "" ) ) You'll need to replace (rtos area 2 2) with (cvunit area "From units" "acre")
    1 point
  6. Try changing to this expects sq feet. area (/ (vla-get-area v-obj-new) 43560.0)
    1 point
  7. Interesting recording. Here we are, 20 years later. Dwg can import RVT files. What progress
    -1 points
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