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  1. Thanks all. The duplicate tag name was the issue. I changed it and everything is as it should be now with the block. Still can't figure out why it worked for the first 3 weeks of this gig and then suddenly it started acting up.
    1 point
  2. Both your attributes have the same 'tag' name. Although AutoCAD will physically allow this it cannot work with attributes having the same tag they have to be unique or you will get errors. Just rename one of them.
    1 point
  3. A simple modification, so : Find this line (setq sel (entsel "\nSelect Line : ")) And change it to this (setq sel (entsel (strcat "\nSelect Line " (itoa snum) " : "))) Pretty sure this should do what you want, but I can't test as I only have a LT version with me at the moment. If it doesn't work let me know and I can sort tomorrow. if you need to do the same for the text (when applicable) Change (setq sel (entsel "\nSelect Line Text : ")) ;TO (setq sel (entsel (strcat "\nSelect Line " (itoa snum) " Text : ")))
    1 point
  4. Then tell him that, say that the content was prepared for another client and that images are OK to share but the actual drawing file content belongs to another client (you don't need to say it is from your employer}.
    1 point
  5. Try this ; add dimension values put answer in mtext ; By alanH Aug 2020 (vl-load-com) (defun c:adddims ( / lst x obj objt str) (setq lst '()) (while (setq ent (entsel "\nPick dimension enter to finish")) (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car ent))) (setq lst (cons (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId " (vlax-invoke-method (vla-get-Utility (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) 'GetObjectIdString obj :vlax-false) ">%).Measurement>%" ) lst )) ) (setq x -1) (setq str "%<\\AcExpr (") (repeat (- (length lst) 1) (setq str (strcat str (nth (setq x (+ x 1)) lst) "+")) ) (setq x (+ x 1)) (setq str (strcat str (nth x lst) ")>%")) (command "mtext" (getpoint "\nPick point" )(getpoint "\npick point") "a" "") (setq objt (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) (vla-put-textstring objt str) (command "regen") (princ) ) (c:adddims) (princ "\nTo run again type adddims") Save to a file like adddims.lsp via notepad copy and paste, you can use Appload or drag and drop from windows explorer.
    1 point
  6. This is in the operating system and laptop bios talking to each other. Do you not have a little Icon that you can see, that may be an option in power management that you can turn on. https://www.howtogeek.com/413105/how-to-restore-a-missing-battery-icon-on-windows-10s-taskbar/
    1 point
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