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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2020 in all areas

  1. One of the more common mistakes in downloading and saving a Hatch Pattern file is the lack of a blank line at the end of the file. When one tries to use the file a message comes up "Bad pattern definition file" "Missing parameter on line x" However, there is a way of overcoming this by the poster of the Hatch Pattern file. At the end of the definition, instead of the blank line, type a line starting with the "*" character. Then when the whole file is copied off the screen, it will work! *Query1,question mark unit spacing 90,0.5,0.435,1,1,0.0075,-0.021,0.0265,-0.945 90,0.54,0.53,1,1,0.01,-0.99 33.6900576,0.5,0.49,1.386750443,0.277350338,0.036055516,-3.56949759 63.4349489,0.53,0.51,0.894427191,0.447213596,0.022360680,-2.213707298 123.6900675,0.54,0.54,1.386750491,0.277350098,0.036055512,-3.569495763 180,0.52,0.57,1,1,0.03,-0.97 225,0.49,0.57,0.707106781,0.707106781,0.03,-1.384213562 *end of pattern, eldon fecit MMXX
    2 points
  2. Hi Amir Look at link below https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12687536/how-to-get-selected-path-and-name-of-the-file-opened-with-file-dialog
    1 point
  3. A couple your brg/distance labels are not aligned properly in some spots. I would make the "X" point a little bit smaller. Also maybe label at 45. Make the point symbol a bit smaller ddptype.
    1 point
  4. My 1st suggestion just me I write all my custom .mnu in notepad and use menuload which makes a cuix. You can copy and paste between CUI editor and notepad so steal any commands and toolbar icons etc. This way your menu's are seperate from the main menu. ^c^c(ssget)(command "copybase" "0,0,0" "p" "" "_ERASE" "p" "" "_pasteblock" "0,0,0")
    1 point
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