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  1. You draw a "XLINE / Bisect" through the intersection and offset the 0:5m in both directions.
    1 point
  2. C:cleanup will not run in aeccoreconsole has VL, but if you write a plain script it will but will use open each dwg. This can still be quick, spare pc or start a 2nd session.
    1 point
  3. in my batch appie I can select single or multiple thread core console. When you use core console in a loop , each loop starts its own core console. This works as long as the timing is right because if your start a new thread before the previous is finished your system can run out of resources. So I have an option to include a delay or the option to create one big fat bat file. This means AutoCad is free as soon as the bat file is generated and started. Code below can't be run on its own but should show you how it works (i hope) ; method 1 : use in loop ; is a little bit messier, more parallel processes, more demanding on system but is faster ; did a saveas on 185 dawings : 5 minutes so thats less then 2 sec's a drawing ; increase wait to make sure each process has enough time to finish if system runs out of recources (defun Rlx_AcadCore_Multi_Thread ( / dwg) (if (and scr (vl-consp dwg-list)) (foreach dwg dwg-list (command "start" (strcat "accoreconsole.exe /i " "\"" dwg "\"" " /s " "\"" scr "\"" " /l en-us")) ; with large drawing list pc became unresponsive when wait was zero so delay must be 1 (sec) or higher (if (or (not #RlxBatch-CoreConsole-Delay)(not (distof #RlxBatch-CoreConsole-Delay)) (< (distof #RlxBatch-CoreConsole-Delay) 1)) (setq #RlxBatch-CoreConsole-Delay "1")) (wait (distof #RlxBatch-CoreConsole-Delay)) ) ) ) ; method 2 : use batch file ; same drawing set took 12 minutes , disable timeout could reduce this time by 185 seconds (3 minutes) ; advantage is that its less demanding of recources so it probably runs better as backgroud task. (defun Rlx_AcadCore_Single_Thread ( / bat dwg) (if (and scr (vl-consp dwg-list) (setq fp (open (setq bat "c:\\temp\\tmp.bat") "w"))) (progn (foreach dwg dwg-list (write-line (strcat "accoreconsole.exe /i " "\"" dwg "\"" " /s " "\"" scr "\"" " /l en-us") fp) (write-line "timeout /t 1 /nobreak" fp); skip or adjust to match system speed ) (if fp (progn (write-line "exit" fp)(close fp)(gc) (command "start" bat))) ) ) ) (defun wait (sec / stop) (setq stop (+ (getvar "DATE") (/ sec 86400.0))) (while (> stop (getvar "DATE")))) the multiple thread is most fun to use and can be fastest but single thread (bat) is best to be able to free up AutoCad. But (surprise) IT has blocked the use of all bat files ...
    1 point
  4. OK..I found the instructions you quoted above. Yes, the centerpoint of Cedar Park Drive (a curve with a very large radius) is far outside the limits of the drawing (up and to the right) which is not all that unusual. Cedar Park Drive will cut across the left side of your drawing from top to bottom. Locate the coordinates given in your instructions and use them as the centerpoint for a CIRCLE with a radius of 7115.37. Where the circle crosses the top and bottom grid lines use the TRIM command to remove the part of the circle that is outside of the grid lines then OFFSET the portion of the circle that remains a distance of 40 units to both sides of the centerline. That will define the right-of-way. Done. This is what it looks like before the Circle trimmed.
    1 point
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