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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Frequently, after a topographic survey, I have to prove the obtained area of a Lot of Land. This lisp creates a table with the analytical method of the Gauss's area formula. I do not need absolute precision, but logically (owing to rounding) by increasing decimal units you can get a result as close to the real one. It is still to be completed, but I never have time to finish it. You can change the nonsense I wrote in English AreaG.LSP
    1 point
  2. Would agree there Bigal. Apparently, these are usually a frame consisting of series of stainless steel components with bolt linkage - with either one cylinder or two for larger lifts/vessels. Sealift USA has some of these https://www.sealiftusa.com/lifts -ChriS
    1 point
  3. Fixed to the transom for lowering/lifting jet-skis in and out of the water perhaps? It would appear that as the clyinder is extended the horizontal platform arm decends (on an arc) whilst staying horizontal. Without any measurements the movement of the platform arm looks to be about twice the stroke of the cylinder. It also looks like there is a transfer of the chain from below the small sprocket to above it as the arm descends? Unless done carefully that could bind up. TBH I'd have thought that it could be done more robustly (and cheaply) with an offset parallel linkage rather than all that chain and sprocket arrangement. Even easier, more robust, and cheaper with a longer stroke ram going straight up and down. If pushed for mounting space two stage double acting rams are readily available, I used to design hydraulic rams including multi-stage double actors. (Chain drive sprokets and salt water tend not to get on well together).
    1 point
  4. What are you not happy with? Rendering speed? System performance? And what would you consider to be "good speed"? My last computer was an i7 with 24GB RAM and it was able to do everything I threw at it. If you could provide some examples of the type of work you're doing and what problems you are experiencing, maybe we could be of more assistance, but if you're using an i7 with 32GB RAM and you're having trouble, I can only assume it's your video card.
    1 point
  5. Lee is out of this world (and I think I know where he's from : Gallifrey ) unfortunately couldn't do any better than this meself... (mapcar 'list '(1 2 3) '(11 12 13) '(21 23 23)) Lee , when or if you don't need or use it any more , can I have your brain please gr. Rlx
    1 point
  6. Doop! I misread the format of the returned value, a list of list instead of just a list. Oh well. (defun test (lst / x lst ret ret2) (setq x 0) (repeat (length (car lst)) (foreach itm lst (setq ret (cons (nth x itm) ret))) (setq x (1+ x)) (setq ret2 (cons (reverse ret) ret2)) (setq ret nil) ) (reverse ret2) ) Why use simple when you can use complicated? (nicely done Lee!)
    1 point
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