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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2020 in all areas

  1. On this episode of RetroCAD, we're exploring one of the original AutoCAD-based solid modeling programs.
    1 point
  2. code above is valid for name and path but here example for name change. Select an image and name is changed to StevenP. Note that external reference dialog wil not show change right after but if you use -image + ? + * you'll see name is updated. (defun c:t1 ( / im iname ipath) (if (setq im (vlax-ename->vla-object (CAR (ENTSEL)))) (progn (setq iname (vla-get-name im)) (setq ipath (vla-get-imagefile im)) (princ (strcat "\nImage name : " iname)) (princ (strcat "\nImage path : " ipath)) (vla-put-name im "StevenP") (setq iname (vla-get-name im)) (princ (strcat "\nImage name : " iname)) (princ (strcat "\nImage path : " ipath)) ) ) )
    1 point
  3. you're welcome Aftertouch its a single selection only but if you want to be able to select multiple options maybe this one helps : ; multiple from list (setq inp (mfl '("A" "B" "C" "D") '("A" "B"))) (defun mfl (%l %df / toggle l f p d r) (setq l (mapcar '(lambda (x)(if (member x %df)(strcat "[X] " x)(strcat "[O] " x))) %l)) (defun toggle (v / s r) (if (eq (substr (setq r (nth (atoi v) l)) 2 1) "X") (setq s "[O] ") (setq s "[X] ")) (setq l (subst (strcat s (substr r 5)) r l))(start_list "lb")(mapcar 'add_list l)(end_list)) (and (setq p (open (setq f (vl-filename-mktemp ".dcl")) "w")) (princ "cfl:dialog{label=\"Choose\";:list_box {key=\"lb\";} ok_cancel;}" p) (not (setq p (close p)))(< 0 (setq d (load_dialog f)))(new_dialog "cfl" d) (progn (start_list "lb")(mapcar 'add_list l)(end_list) (action_tile "lb" "(toggle $value)") (action_tile "accept" "(setq r (get_tile \"lb\"))(done_dialog 1)") (action_tile "cancel" "(setq r nil)(done_dialog 0)") (start_dialog)(unload_dialog d)(vl-file-delete f))) (mapcar '(lambda (y)(substr y 5)) (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x)(eq (substr x 2 1) "O")) l)) ) or his bigger brother : multiple input listbox function
    1 point
  4. locked as ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY ? LAYLCK? efficient but can't apply password as protected anonymous block (warning: i never tried FAS or VLX from that link) it can't be exploded? but can be scaled, moved. password stored in drawing? wblock? vla-saveas IMO interface securityparams is most secured, INSERT requires password.
    1 point
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