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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2020 in all areas

  1. Dear CADTutor friends, it seems as though most of us are now working from home after some form of lockdown has been announced in many countries across the world. This note is just to say that CADTutor and the CADTutor Forum will remain up and running throughout the crisis. It's at times like these that communities like this come into their own, to help connect people who may otherwise feel isolated. If you have any ideas how this forum could help e.g. new forums, additional functionality etc. Please let me know and I'll see what I can do. Stay safe, David
    1 point
  2. just $0.02 idea, not sure it helps? 1.manually place DIMALIGNED at end segment of polyline. 2.suppress all dim & ext lines, leave only one arrow & dim line at the end tip & adjust size etc.. 3.replace measurement, inserting FIELD (object->length property) ;if last segment vertices moved, the dimension 'TEXT' & Arrow head should follow end point of last segment. 4.command: REGEN or UPDATEFIELD
    1 point
  3. Are you viewing the polyline from a rotated view? This will result in polylines appearing unfilled like what you're showing. Switch your view to "Top" and the polyline should appear filled.
    1 point
  4. Consider just using "m" for "move" and spacebar (just below the "m") for enter which would be a lot quicker the typing "move".
    1 point
  5. Attached is lisp I think you are after. DInfoV1-5.lsp
    1 point
  6. Hi all Sorry if this is so simple a question for users . I have just started trying to learn Fusion 360 ( am I in correct forum ?.) Watching you tube videos and other help areas in certain things I am trying to create the program asks me to create a circle . It then moves the arrow to the create area and shows a drop down menu showing a circle menu , I do not have this circle menu ?. Any ideas please help . Mick
    1 point
  7. FWIW - vanilla LISP i've seen Lee has such grtext demo GIF but couldn't find it. how if overlapped, nested objects etc.. my attempt just simple ssget concept, you may need to download LM's GRTEXT else Layer name displays in command line. (defun c:foo (/ vs os ap k pt ss en e $ & p) (defun vs (x) (* (/ (getvar 'viewsize) (cadr (getvar 'screensize))) x)) (mapcar '(lambda (a b)(set a (getvar b))) '(os ap) '(osmode aperture)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq & "\r ") (terpri) (while (and (setq k (grread t 13 0)) (= (car k) 5)) (redraw) (if (and (setq p (vs ap) ss (ssget "_C" (setq pt (cadr k)) (mapcar '+ pt (list (- p) p)))) (setq en (ssname ss 0) e (entget en)) (setq $ (cdr(assoc 8 e))) ) (if (and LM:GrText LM:DisplayGrText) (LM:DisplayGrText pt (LM:GrText $) 3 15 -31 ) (princ (strcat "\rLayer: " $)) ) (princ (setq $ &)) ) (princ) ) (redraw) (setvar 'osmode os) (princ) )
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. I've added more right-click Shortcut Menus to my CUI that AutoCAD installed. Almost every object modification command I use is from a right-click with my mouse.
    1 point
  10. You could use your excel to write the script look at the sequence of a manual version, then just copy a column to notepad and save as a script. Get 1 line to work 1st ! Note the text must be in quotes. Look at concatenate function. open d01 (FindReplaceAll "T01" "R01") close Y open d02 (FindReplaceAll "t02" "R02") close Y Note you must have your lisp autoloaded if you don't know how to do that post.
    1 point
  11. That's for both roads. And let me clarify something. The offsets fall inside the streetlines (also referred to as the R.O.W. lines). So. it is 1 foot between the streetline and the back of the sidewalk. Then 6 feet for the sidewalk itself and finally 3 feet for the parking strip as shown in the above image.
    1 point
  12. One of the big reasons I am such a longtime fan of Time Sensitive Right Click is that I hate taking my hand off the mouse. The more things I can do with my right hand staying on the mouse, the happier I am. Almost all of my custom shortcalls, or aliases are entered by my left hand, with a minimum of movement from my default hand rest position.
    1 point
  13. Try: Batch Find & Replace Text on Lee Mac web site http://www.lee-mac.com/bfind.html Don't know if it can read from excel but it is working.
    1 point
  14. Well now you have to show it. It's like "forum rules".....that I just made up
    1 point
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