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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2020 in all areas

  1. That code looks to be seriously mutilated... Original posts here, here & here. As for your question, check the insertion units in your drawings.
    1 point
  2. It's been a long time since I did anything with blocks, and trying to remember all the ins and outs. To get an attribute field formula to read other attributes does require a trick and some rules 1) the 'total' attribute has to have the property 'preset' =yes so that it doesn't prompt for a value on insertion and overwrite the field 2) when inserting the fields the tickbox in the attribute editor for 'use block value' has to be ticked 3) and this is the trick - the block has to have a dynamic action carried out once inserted to make it an annonymous block so that the formula will read the values in that block rather than from the block definition, the easiest way is to use a visibility state and hide the total attribute for the state that is used on insert. In your block you already have a visibility state with 'OFF' being the default so the total attribute needs to be hiden for that state but visible to all the others, I just added a new visibility state 'Total' When you first insert the block fill in your values then change the visibility state to one of the other values and do a regen so that the fields can update. As for the precision once you have added the 'two fields in the formula press the 'evaluate' button and you should then get the chance to select decimal and adjust the precision. _PM SPEAKER-BLOCK.dwg
    1 point
  3. Hi Dana, I was going to suggest changing your Text color to 7, so it would show as Black or White depending on the color of your background, glad it has self healed!
    1 point
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