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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2020 in all areas

  1. You messed up the leader text strcat. Try this (command "qleader" (getpoint "\nPick 1st leader point")(getpoint "\nPick end point") "" 0 (strcat dia (chr 34) " SANITARY SEWER INVERT" "\\P" " @ " (rtos drop 4) " BELOW FINISHED FLOOR 1/8 SLOPE DFUS") "") If you were trying to make a multiline MText, this will now work. If you only want one line remove the "\\P" between "SANITARY SEWER INVERT" and " @ "
    1 point
  2. For me at least, I don't think the goal is to deliver solutions to members other than negotiating and learning and sharing smart ideas as best as possible from each other in such threads when professional members contribute in, so keeping threads academic and a good reference for visitors must be considered a smart conduct as well.
    1 point
  3. Note that bulge /= angle, and therefore this will yield unexpected results as the cursor moves around the vertices. Instead, you might consider calculating the bulge in the following way, exploiting the inscribed angle theorem: (defun c:test ( / a1 ex gr p1 p2 zv ) (setq zv (trans '(0 0 1) 1 0 t)) (if (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first point: ")) (progn (while (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nSpecify next point: ")) (setq ex (entget (entmakex (list '(000 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbPolyline") '(090 . 2) '(070 . 0) (cons 010 (trans p1 1 zv)) (cons 010 (trans p2 1 zv)) (cons 210 zv) ) ) ) ) (while (= 5 (car (setq gr (grread t 13 0)))) (setq a1 (/ (- (angle (cadr gr) p2) (angle p1 (cadr gr))) 2)) (entmod (subst (cons 42 (/ (sin a1) (cos a1))) (assoc 42 ex) ex)) ) (setq p1 p2) ) ) ) (princ) )
    1 point
  4. Alternatively, you could use ETRANSMIT to perform the bind and purge tasks over multiple drawings.
    0 points
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