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  1. My goal as follow: I have 3d solid model in AutoCAD output to 2D dimetric which know scale ratio by using flatshot so later on easy for revising or re-editing in my lisp routine, I prompt for user input on scale ratio options which are 1-half, 2-third, 3-quarter and "Other" scale (between 0 and 1) in av:getUserInput although "Other" option works when user enter real number but I how can I re-display the real number next time user re-execute the command? Sorry for long code, anyone help wound be thankful! ;;################################################;; ;; Lisp setup axonometric view point in 3d space ;; ;; with known scale ratio between 0 and 1.0 ;; ;; Phong Huynh ;; ;; avp.lsp ;; ;; ;; ;; Thanks for infomation of the follwing websites ;; ;; compuphase.com/axometr.htm ;; ;; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axonometric_projection ;; ;; tamivox.org/redbear/axono/index.html ;; ;; cadtutor.net ;; ;; lee-mac.com ;; ;;################################################;; (vl-load-com) (princ) (defun c:avp (/ vptData aViewPoint old_cmdecho old_osmode old_color old_lweight e1 e2 e3 zoomscalefac strfac) ;;Start error traperr & save vars. (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* traperr) (setq old_cmdecho (getvar "CMDECHO")) (setq old_osmode (getvar "OSMODE")) (setq old_color (getvar "CECOLOR")) (setq old_lweight (getvar "CELWEIGHT")) (if (setq vptData (av:getUserInput)) (progn (setvar "OSMODE" 0) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (setq e1 1.0) (setq e2 1.0) (setq e3 (av:e3calc global:rScale)) (setq zoomscalefac (sqrt (* 0.5 (+ (* 1.0 1.0) (* 1.0 1.0) (* global:rScale global:rScale))))) (setq strfac (rtos zoomscalefac 2 16)) ;; Setup view point location (if (eq global:zhori "Above") (cond ((eq global:xydir "Sse") (setq aViewPoint (list e1 (* e3 -1.0) e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Ees") (setq aViewPoint (list e3 (* e1 -1.0) e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Een") (setq aViewPoint (list e3 e1 e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Nne") (setq aViewPoint (list e1 e3 e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Nnw") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e1 -1.0) e3 e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Wwn") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e3 -1.0) e1 e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Wws") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e3 -1.0) (* e1 -1.0) e2)) ) ((eq global:xydir "Ssw") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e1 -1.0) (* e3 -1.0) e2)) ) ) (cond ((eq global:xydir "Sse") (setq aViewPoint (list e1 (* e3 -1.0) (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Ees") (setq aViewPoint (list e3 (* e1 -1.0) (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Een") (setq aViewPoint (list e3 e1 (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Nne") (setq aViewPoint (list e1 e3 (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Nnw") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e1 -1.0) e3 (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Wwn") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e3 -1.0) e1 (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Wws") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e3 -1.0) (* e1 -1.0) (* e2 -1.0))) ) ((eq global:xydir "Ssw") (setq aViewPoint (list (* e1 -1.0) (* e3 -1.0) (* e2 -1.0))) ) ) ) (vl-cmdf "_vpoint" aViewPoint) (princ "\nDebug info's\nZoom scale factor to match AutoCAD unit: ") (princ strfac) (princ "\n") (princ "Note: e1 = e2 = 1.0, e3 = ") (princ e3) ) (princ) ) (setvar "CMDECHO" old_cmdecho) (setvar "OSMODE" old_osmode) (setvar "CECOLOR" old_color) (setvar "CELWEIGHT" old_lweight) (princ) ) ;;-------------------------------------;; ;; Function to get user input keywords ;; ;;-------------------------------------;; (defun av:getUserInput (/ dScale rScale xydir zhori tmp0 tmp1 tmp2 time) ;; dScale - global: hold default scale ratio keyword when prompt user for input. ;; rScale - global: scale ratio, real number must be between 0 and 1. ;; xydir - keyword: view direction from xy plane. ;; zhori - keyword: view direction from z plan, above or below horizon ;; temp0 - temporary variable 0 ;; temp1 - temporary variable 1 ;; temp2 - temporary variable 2 ;; time - temporary variable (if (null global:dScale) (setq global:dScale "3-quarter") ) (initget "1-half 2-third 3-quarter Other") (if (setq tmp0 (getkword (strcat "\nScale ratio [1-half/2-third/3-quarter/Other] <" global:dScale ">: "))) (cond ((= tmp0 "1-half") (setq global:dScale tmp0) (setq global:rScale 0.5) ) ((= tmp0 "2-third") (setq global:dScale tmp0) (setq global:rScale (/ 2.0 3.0)) ) ((= tmp0 "3-quarter") (setq global:dScale tmp0) (setq global:rScale 0.75) ) ((= tmp0 "Other") (setq global:dScale tmp0) ;;--------------Thank to "rkmcswain" @ cadtutor.net/forum --------- (setq time T) (while time (setq global:rScale (getreal (strcat "\nEnter scale ratio: "))) (if (and (> global:rScale 0.0) (<= global:rScale 1.0)) (setq time nil) ) ) ;;----------------------------------------------------------------- ) ) ) (if (null global:zhori) (setq global:zhori "Above") ) (initget "Above Below") (if (setq tmp1 (getkword (strcat "\nView angle [Above/Below] Horizon <" global:zhori ">: "))) (setq global:zhori tmp1) ) (if (null global:xydir) (setq global:xydir "Sse") ) (initget "Sse Ees Een Nne Nnw Wwn Wws Ssw") (if (setq tmp2 (getkword (strcat "\nLocation on XY Plane [Sse/Ees/Een/Nne/Nnw/Wwn/Wws/Ssw] <" global:xydir ">: " ) ) ) (setq global:xydir tmp2) ) (list global:dScale globle:rScale global:zhori global:xydir) ) ;;---------------------------------------;; ;; Function calculate e3 (element e3) ;; ;;---------------------------------------;; ;; Thank Dave Barber http://tamivox.org ;; ;; for axonometric calculator formulars ;; ;;---------------------------------------;; (defun av:e3calc (m / e1 e2 e3 Lr Cr Rr Ls Cs Rs Li Ci Ri Dr Lu Cu Ru Dd) (setq e1 1.0) (setq e2 1.0) (setq e3 m) (setq Lr 1.0) (setq Cr 1.0) (setq Rr e3) (setq Dr (sqrt (* 0.5 (+ (* Lr Lr) (* Cr Cr) (* Rr Rr))))) (setq Ls (/ Lr Dr)) (setq Cs (/ Cr Dr)) (setq Rs (/ Rr Dr)) (setq Lu (- 1.0 (* Ls Ls))) (setq Cu (- 1.0 (* Cs Cs))) (setq Ru (- 1.0 (* Rs Rs))) (setq Li (atan (sqrt (/ (* Lu Cu) Ru)))) (setq Ci (atan (sqrt (/ (* Ru Lu) Cu)))) (setq Ri (atan (sqrt (/ (* Cu Ru) Lu)))) (setq Dd (sqrt (- (/ 1.0 (sin Li)) Lr))) ) ;;----------------------------------------------;; ;; Error traper function restore save variables ;; ;;----------------------------------------------;; (defun traperr (errmsg) (setvar "CMDECHO" old_cmdecho) (setvar "OSMODE" old_osmode) (setvar "CECOLOR" old_color) (setvar "CELWEIGHT" old_lweight) (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\Resetting system variables ") (princ) )
    1 point
  2. Some others: https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=2694 https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=47435.msg524472#msg524472 https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=30434.msg360831#msg360831 http://lee-mac.com/permutations.html
    1 point
  3. Never mind, I figured it out... I went through all sorts of hell to figure it out, lost half my hair (defun JH:listcombination (lst) (if (null lst) '(nil) (apply 'append (mapcar '(lambda (x) (mapcar '(lambda (y) (cons x y) ) (JH:listcombination (cdr lst)) ) ) (car lst) ) ) ) ) I was simply toying around, though I'm not sure how it actually ended up with the desired result.
    1 point
  4. Back in the time was playin' around with such - (setq pL '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)) ('((f L)(f L)) '(( L ) (if L (cons (mapcar ''( (x) (nth x L)) '(0 1 2)) (f (cdddr L))))) pL) Now I'm so tight that I can't take the time to write out a decent reply to my own threads :sad:
    1 point
  5. Sounds like Lee Mac has got you covered, as usual, http://www.lee-mac.com/steal.html Thanks Lee! I have never used this one, but I believe it will do exactly what you are describing.
    1 point
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