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  1. 721 downloads

    Apollonius problem : (PPP, LPP, LLP, LLL, CPP, CLP, CLL, CCP, CCL, CCC) P - point L - line C - circle Routine finds all CIRCLES that touches or passes (point) as tangent curves to combination of (C - circle; L - line; P - point) Relevant page on Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_Apollonius And my video demonstrating my routine : https://youtu.be/cuo4M9UGZmA Number of circles demonstrated in video corresponds to Wikipedia table at the end of page... Regards, Marko Ribar, d.i.a. (architect)
    1 point
  2. Version 1.7.0


    This program will calculate the total length of Lines/Polylines/LWPolylines/Arcs/Ellipses/Circles/Splines with an optional filter. The Filter may be used to select only those lines that are on a certain layer, or perhaps have a certain linetype or colour. The results of the calculation can be displayed in an ACAD Table within the drawing, or written to either a CSV or TXT File. The Table-Style may be selected from the drop-down in the main dialog. Main interface The main dialogue box allows the user to filter lines by layer, linetype or colour and select the table style. Multiple selected items can filtered. A filter string may be entered to help the user quickly find the filter items that he/she requires. Options The options dialogue box allows the user to specify which object types should be included and the type of output, table in the drawing, CSV file or TXT file. Demo Function Syntax: LenCal For instructions on how to run the program see here. Any comments, criticism and suggestions are welcome. Either PM me directly, or reply to the original thread.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.3


    Are you someone who likes to get details in your drawings done neatly? Then look no further! Here I present you a program that does just that. This program aligns selected objects to any direction the user wants to align them to. This provides that the objects possess at least one of the following properties: Insertion Point Text Position Text Alignment Position Center Upon issuing the command ATD, the user will be prompted a selection of objects without any filters, which the program will then filter based on the above (and xrefs excluded). The objects to be aligned will then be highlighted, and the user will be prompted a direction relative to the UCS. This can be in one of five ways: Clicking two points to determine direction Typing "X" - to align direction to X axis of UCS. Typing "Y" - to align direction to Y axis of UCS. Typing "PErpendicularToCurve" - the user specifies a point on any curve, and if a curve is detected, aligns perpendicular to the curve at that point. Typing "ALongCurve" - the user specifies a point on any curve, and if a curve is detected, aligns at the direction of the curve at that point Curve detection is compatible within all sorts of complex objects, such as nested blocks (with dynamic properties), xrefs, tables, dimensions, etc. regardless of depth, and fully functional under all UCS. Following this, the user can then specify an optional distance that would be used to align the objects, or choose the "Through" option. This makes up an exactly identical feature to the built-in AutoCAD OFFSET command. If a distance is specified, the user will also be specified a point that will be used to calculate the specified distance away from the point. If "Through" is chosen, the user will then be prompted the point to place the objects. If the distance has been chosen and specified, the user can click on the side that the user wishes to place the objects at that distance from the point. Objects that I've successfully worked with this program include: Tables Blocks OLE/Raster images Dimensions Texts and MTexts (regardless of alignment) Circles This program will work under any UCS settings provided that the objects to be translated lies in the same XY plane as the UCS.
    1 point
  4. Hi Perfect! I installed the new version and everything works fine. Thanks to you, it was a pleasure to be able to help you!
    1 point
  5. Yes, I did a while ago. I don't remember what 98's DOS version was or event if it had 1. I do know it was more advanced than MS-DOS 3.1 ( i think that was the last stand alone. I really don't mind the Windows back ground if it behaved itself. Makes backups and file transfers much easier Thanks -David
    1 point
  6. Anyway (defun c:quickanddirty ( / lst ss pt1 pt2) (while (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "POINT")))) (setq lst '()) (setq pt1 (getpoint "\npick point inside")) (repeat (setq x (sslength ss)) (setq pt2 (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1))))))) (setq lst (cons (list (angle pt1 pt2) pt2) lst)) ) (setq lst (vl-sort lst '(lambda (x y) (< (car x)(car y))))) (command "_line") (while (= (getvar "cmdactive") 1 ) (repeat (setq x (length lst)) (command (cadr (nth (setq x (- x 1)) lst))) ) (command "C") ) ) )
    1 point
  7. For anyone this is a part two of the whosa post to do road kerbs. A similar request now solved. To whosa how many more questions are you really going to ask for ? This is standard day to day field survey stuff. The best solution is go back to the original data it will be some form of XYZ file hopefully it also has codes as well. Post that then we can really see how we can help. For Lrm like the other post the "point",s are the correct part to join not the mtext, so pick inside and do some form of ray trace angle to sort the join order, its easy for a rectang or always convex shape draw a "H" of points to test. This is from field survey auto strung, blocks added. This is what whosa wants. There are many answers out there start with Civ3D.
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Thank you for supporting this "HP:BUTTONS.lsp" DCL library. This routine allows you to create DCL with multiple buttons associated to DCL action_tile list on the fly. It creates DCL box with single column x nRows of buttons, 'n' depends on the length of the 'action list' usage: (hp:buttons title lst width ht) title = Name caption on top of DCL - string lst = quoted list or progn list - list width = Width of the dialod box - integer ht = height of each button - integer returns nil or any execution (progn ... ) related to action_tile Save this file into your support folder, append to your startup autoload routine. In order to optimize the user experience, it allows maxinum 15 rows however you can abjust depends on screen size. HP:BUTTONS - v1.0 Free LISP by - hanhphuc email: hanhphuc.diy@outlook.com
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This AutoLISP file can be used to measure the total length or area of all polylines on a selected layer. Instructions on how to load and run this file in AutoCAD are given in this thread.
    1 point
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