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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2020 in all areas

  1. That is not what @Lee Mac meant. You need to use regedit to find the name of the correct Key/Val pair. In my case this was "sCountry" Then (vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\International" "sCountry") Gave me United Kingdom
    1 point
  2. That's not what I suggested, and you haven't escaped the backslashes. Open regedit, browse to the location indicated, and examine the set of subkeys to understand which you require.
    1 point
  3. Learning a new program is different for everyone. Some people have any easy time while others struggle. A lot of it depends on how much time you spend with the program and how much good training material you have to work with. If you're going to try and learn by watching Youtube videos then you're probably going to have a hard time. I can't really tell you what specific program to use, since this is not my area of expertise and I don't know what programs a company like Osprey uses, but if I was going to design a hiking pack, I would use Modo, since I'm very familiar with it, and I would follow the type of workflow shown in the video below.
    1 point
  4. Check the registry keys & descendents under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
    1 point
  5. Whatever variables you have inside your function b, put those variables to the right of the slash. If you don't have any variables to set, then it's fine to do (defun b nil) For example: (Defun addtwo (a b / c) (setq c (+ a b))) (Defun testadd nil (addtwo 4 8)) Since addtwo has a variable c, you should localize that variable. But testadd doesn't have any variables, so there's nothing to localize. However, if you localize like (Defun testadd ( / addtwo) (addtwo 4 8)) The function will fail because there are no functions localized within testadd
    1 point
  6. (Defun a nil Some code (initget 1 "Yes No") (if (eq (getkword "\nProceed to B? [Yes/No]: ") "Yes") (b)) )
    1 point
  7. No they won't, it isn't possible. And that's why geodesic domes are based on the Icosahedron (12 points) it gives you the least number of variations of strut length and hub angles when you start scaling up from a 1v through to a 6v dome
    1 point
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