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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2020 in all areas

  1. You can still go straight from lidar to a Civil3D TinSurface using this free add-on. DotSoft LidarTools Freeware on Autodesk App Store This blog post contains descriptions of all the tools it contains. Over 1000 downloads so far, over 425 from the AppStore alone.
    2 points
  2. Quick answer,s I have draw line L U D R so l50 draws a line 50 units to left that answers your 1st problem, re the text use (getstring "pick text or blank scrren for non") the string will be returned as nil if you press enter or pick screen then use a If and strcat to make string, re gap as you have made a line a (entlast will return the start and end points so add a X or Y value depending on L U D R, the 1st point will be be up to you for method can use the text as an option but it will not be used as text so pick again. LUDR-pline.lsp
    1 point
  3. To entmake a line you need two points. To entmake a line from a start point of a set length you need one point, a distance and an angle. With these you can calculate the second point using (setq pt2 (polar pt1 angle distance); where angle should be in radians look HERE for Lee's excellent minimum requiirements to entmake objects. The easiest way to space a gap in text is using a space " ", but since most text styles are not monospace this changes for each text style. It is probably better to make three text items having calculated the maximum length for the middle piece of text, then right justify numbers. In your example the "additional" text if it is present goes a set distance from the top of the line (left justified) whilst the distance and datum go below (right justified) with each having a set distance below. The justifications are controlled by the dxf code groups 72 and 73 in the entmake process. car cadr and caddr are list functions to return the first, second and third items in a list, so given a point list car returns x, cadr y and caddr z
    1 point
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