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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2020 in all areas

  1. only if your command begins with 'c:' , you can call the command (after loading) on the command line with the name that follows. So when you load 'MyRoutine.lsp' and this routine has a function called 'c:test' you would only have to type test on the command line. In all other cases you have to call the command with parentheses. So when you have a function that is written as (defun test1 ().... you have to start it with (test1). If you have a function (defun LM:Test1 ()... you have to start it with (LM:Test1). The reason why someone uses LM: as prefix would be when your name is Lee Mac. See it as a sort of signature , calling card whatever. So when you write a few brilliant routines for us here on this forum , you could write them as (defun Sheep:Test1 ()... and then someone would have to type (Sheep:Test1) to start your mean lean lsp routine. There are more types of defun , like defun-q and this has to do with how your function will be evaluated (as a list) . This is often used for functions that can modify themselves so very useful for self 'learning' routines. But this is more advanced stuff and there are people that can explain this far more better than me.
    2 points
  2. Bear in mind that the method implemented by my Minimum Bounding Box function is an iterative approximation: the set of objects are incrementally rotated by an angle determined by the supplied precision parameter (in your case 0.01); reducing the magnitude of the precision parameter will cause the result to tend toward the true minimum bounding box - though of course, at the sacrifice of performance. As such, if you require a more accuracy in the bounding box, try increasing the precision by an order of magnitude, e.g.: (LM:narboundingbox sel 0.001)
    1 point
  3. 3 to 4 seconds per drawing seems very fast to me. I would just see about setting it up on a separate machine and let it run until done. If not then a more robust machine to get the time down maybe. It would be instant if you had it set up for them to use the drawings. There are some apps for iPads and CAD viewing/markup.
    1 point
  4. The problem may be in the line (foreach lay (layoutlist) As a 1st test try using this it is not tested. This will show if (layoutlist) is the problem. (setq lays (layoutlist)) (repeat (setq x (length lays)) (setvar 'ctab (nth (setq x (- x 1)) lays)) (COMMAND "-plot" "n" "" "Horizontal-PNG-Acad (Color)" "PublishToWeb PNG.pc3" "" "n" "Y") ); end of foreach function (command "CTAB" "MODEL" "ZOOM" "ALL") )
    1 point
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