If the solids are made using extrude command, with a height, not path, then you can extract the height like this:
(defun c:test ( / e solid)
(setq e (car (entsel)))
(setq e (cdr (assoc 350 (entget e))))
(eq (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget e)))) "ACSH_HISTORY_CLASS")
(setq e (cdr (assoc 360 e)))
(eq (cdr (assoc 0 (setq e (entget e)))) "ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH")
(setq e (cdr (assoc 360 e)))
(setq e (entget e))
(setq solid (cdr (assoc 0 e)))
(princ (strcat "\nExtrusion Height: " (rtos (distance '(0 0 0) (cdr (assoc 10 e))))))
((eq solid "ACSH_BOX_CLASS")
(princ (strcat "\nBox Height: " (rtos (cdr (assoc 42 (reverse e))))))
(princ (strcat "\nCylinder Height: " (rtos (cdr (assoc 40 (reverse e))))))
(princ "\nUnable to extract solid height.")
Doesn't work on edited solids, or modified by a boolean operation. Still, if the section of the solid (section perpendicular to extrusion direction) is a circle or a rectangle, you can find the height with some calculation over the geometric properties.