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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2019 in all areas

  1. As Arial is a Text Style in all my templates I have Large Dot and Arrow linetypes defined in Arial.lin to avoid having to add a Wingdings Text Style I wouldn't use for anything else. *STriangle, Solid Triangle__/_\_/_\__/_\_/_\_/_\_ S,.000000001,-.05,["\U+25BA",Arial,S=0.02,R=90,Y=-.0019],-.05 *ARROWH,Arrowhead > > > > > > > A,.000001,-3,["\U+25BA",Arial,S=3,R=0,X=-1.35,Y=-1.35],.000001,-4 *ArialARROW,Arrow1 > > > > > > > S,.000001,-3,["\U+25AC",Arial,S=3,R=0,X=-1.35,Y=-1.05],.000001,["\U+25BA",Arial,S=3,R=0,X=0.5,Y=-1.42],.000001,-4 *ArialDOT,Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A,0,-.125,["\U+2022",Arial,S=.05,Y=-.024],-.125 *ArialDOT2,Dot (.5x) ........................................ A,0,-.0625,["\U+2022",Arial,S=.05,Y=-.012],-.0625 *ArialDOTX2,Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A,0,-.25,["\U+2022",Arial,S=.05,Y=-.048],-.25 Putting Text Style dependant linetypes in Acad.lin will display an error when trying to load a linetype if that Text Style isn't in the drawing. Keeping all lin files in the roamable support folder (where acad.lin is already) allows them to be listed when you click the [File…] button to the left of acad.lin makes loading from different lin files easier. Macro example to open Arial.lin: ^C^C_start;Arial.lin; One of many good reasons to use Text Styles named to describe the font they use. Of course I will load a Wingdings Text Style sometimes as there's no other way to add a DANGER linetype like: *Danger, --- DANGER --- DANGER ---- A,.3,["N",WINGDINGS,S=.05,Y=-.025],-.05,["DANGER",Swiss Light,S=.05,Y=-.025],-.29,["N",WINGDINGS,S=.05,Y=-.025],-.05,.1
    1 point
  2. Here is a way to make a list of layers and blocks. You probably don't need adoc (not sure, if you need it, show us in what context) And I don't know why you need (acad_colordlg ). Can you do without? Or any suggestion how else to get this (example pick an object, return the color of its layer... ) (defun layers_table ( / res) (setq res (list)) (while (setq lay (tblnext "LAYER" (not lay))) (setq res (append res (list (cdr (assoc 2 lay))))) ) res ) (defun blocks_table ( / res) (setq res (list)) (while (setq blk (tblnext "BLOCK" (not blk))) (setq res (append res (list (cdr (assoc 2 blk))))) ) res ) (defun c:test ( / blocks lays) (setq ;; you probably don't need adoc blocks (blocks_table) lays (layers_table) ;; color (acad_colordlg 256) ) (princ "\n -- BLOCKS -- \n") (princ blocks) (princ "\n -- LAYERS -- \n") (princ lays) (princ) )
    1 point
  3. Explain more what it is your trying to do. You can tblsearch for blocks and layers.
    1 point
  4. I get the same outline like it was already drawn... Should it be different? I mean, should it go around removed blocks at the gap looking from up to down of DWG? I don't think this is doable as gap is smaller than length of single block... Maybe if you try with smaller starting distance than block length - you have to try...
    1 point
  5. Like cad64 have played with the dpi problem found for say an A1 sheet 200 dpi is fine, in dwg to pdf its set to 600dpi try say 400 as a minimum 180 dpi. The dpi is like a x squared increase in size.
    1 point
  6. It could be that you have your PDF settings cranked up too high. You may need to tweak your settings to make sure you're getting the best quality at a reasonable file size. It could also have something to do with the type of text you're using. I have found that Arial causes pdf size to increase, especially if you have an entire sheet filled with notes. It can really bloat the pdf.
    1 point
  7. Try the following: ;; Ungroup Multiple - Lee Mac (defun c:ungroupm ( / idx grp sel ) (if (setq sel (ssget)) (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel)) (if (= "GROUP" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (setq grp (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx))))))))))) (entdel grp) ) ) ) (princ) )
    1 point
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