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  1. Hi all guys, I wrote a simple code to make leader with x,y coordinates and it's working well but when I explode or delete mtext of leader, the botton line of the mtext is automatically cleared, (I explode mtext because I want to convert it to text) (defun c:ldd () (setq p1 (getpoint "\npick a point :")) (setq p2 (getpoint "\npick a secound point :")) (setq x (car p1)) (setq y (cadr p1)) (setq sx (rtos x)) (setq sy (rtos y)) (setq text (strcat "X=" sx " \nY=" sy)) (command "leader" p1 p2 "" text "") ) Can someone give me a solution??
    1 point
  2. The previous post#2 is graphical method i.e: can be done manually by array or offset X-line with osmode 33 This is another math function from library [color="green"];Limitations: ;2D coordinates only ;list must be incremental in X direction ;only single occurence[/color] (defun hp:IntersOnX (p l / xy) ;hanhphuc (setq xy '((x)(mapcar '* x '(1.0 1.0))) p (xy p)) (cadr (assoc T (cons (list (vl-some ''((x)(equal p (xy x) 1e-4)) l) p) (mapcar ''((a b / d )(setq d (xy (mapcar '- b a))) (list (<= (car a) (car p) (car b)) (list (car p) (+ (cadr a) (* (- (car p) (car a)) (if (vl-some 'zerop d) 0. (/ 1. (apply '/ d )))))) ) ) l (cdr l) ) ) ) ) ) example test [color="green"];example list without duplicates[/color] (setq [color="red"][b]L[/b][/color]'((-82.133 26.692) (-48.8729 57.0485) (-11.0094 57.0485) (17.675 41.0031) (34.8857 7.76624) (34.8857 -49.5388) (56.6859 -73.6069) (111.76 -73.6069)) ) (hp:IntersOnX [color="red"]'(0. 0.)[/color] l ) [color="green"]; or replace red with (getpoint)[/color] [color="green"];(0.0 50.8901) [/color] manipulate the function using loop WHILE, FOREACH, MAPCAR , REPEAT, vl-remove-if etc.. if i have free time, will post some examples using alert as comment, read it step by step (defun c:example ( / l pnt pt ) [color="green"];example to use function hp:IntersOnX[/color] ;hanhphuc 05.05.2018 (setq [color="red"][b]L[/b][/color] '((-82.133 26.692) (-48.8729 57.0485) (-11.0094 57.0485) (17.675 41.0031) (34.8857 7.76624) (34.8857 -49.5388) (56.6859 -73.6069) (111.76 -73.6069)) ) (alert (strcat "Example we have a point list 'L' : \n\n" (vl-princ-to-string l) "\n \nWe'll then use 'L' list to draw a LwPolyline")) (LWP l) (alert (strcat "The 'hp:IntersOnX' sub-function requires 2 arguments, i.e: P=point & L=list, for point here we can use GETPOINT function :\n (setq PNT (GETPOINT \"Type prompt massage within the quote marks\" )) \nThis prompts user to specify a point then SETQ function to store the point coordinates in variable 'PNT'. \n\nLet's try it next.. " ) ) (while (not pnt) (if (and (setq pnt (getpoint "\nSpecify any point within the X-range of LwPolyline.. ")) (<= (caar l) (car pnt)(car(last l))) ) (alert (strcat "\nYou have just picked "(vl-princ-to-string p)"\n\n" "next we'll try to supply the 'PNT' in the sub-function : \n(hp:IntersOnX PNT L)")) (progn (princ "Oops! ")(setq pnt nil)) ) (princ) ) (alert (strcat "\nSo the result " (vl-princ-to-string pnt) ", X-intersects with 'L' list is : \n\n" (if (setq pt (hp:IntersOnX pnt l)) (strcat (vl-princ-to-string pt)" ! as we can see both X equal, only Y changes. \n" ) "Oops.. Out of range !?" ) "\nNext, we proceed multiple method." ) ) (prompt "\nA circle is marked at the X-intersected point! Zoom in and see.. ") (entmakex (list '(0 . "CIRCLE")(cons 10 pt)(cons 40 2.0)'(62 . 1))) (getpoint "\nPress any [ENTER] to proceed.. ") (alert (strcat "Let's say we want X-interval 10 unit measured from starting point .\nAs example 0 to 100, we populate the incremental values in a list.. \n(list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ..... <etc..> ) ")) ;multiple (alert (strcat "\nThis 'hp:IntersOnX' sub-function only can run in single stake, so if there are many data we can use loop or iteration functions to handle it. \nThe starting point =(list X Y) & d= X-distance, to iterate (X+d Y) here we use MAPCAR as an example : \n" (vl-princ-to-string '(mapcar (function (lambda (d) (hp:IntersOnX (list (+ d (caar l) 0.004) 0.0) l))) (list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100) ;<--- to modify here ) ) ;;; "\nNote: You can add more in list. (list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 .... )" ) ) ;_ end of alert (alert (strcat "\nHere's the output: a new point list of X-intersections (by 10 unit incremental), we can use it to draw a new LwPolyline or entmod existing LwPolyline. \n" (vl-princ-to-string'((-82.133 26.692) (-72.133 35.819) (-62.133 44.946) (-52.133 54.073) (-42.133 57.0485) (-32.133 57.0485) (-22.133 57.0485) (-12.133 57.0485) (-2.133 52.0832) (7.867 46.4895) (17.867 40.6323)) ) "\n\nIn this example we'll redraw a new LwPolyline then command: _QDIM " ) ) (vl-cmdf "_QDIM" (LWP (mapcar ''((d) (trans (hp:IntersOnX (list (+ d (caar l) 1e-4) 0.0) l) 1 0)) '([color="red"]0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100[/color])[color="green"] ; suggestion - while loop [/color] ) ) "" "\\" ) (if (/= (getvar 'cmdecho)0) (command)) (alert "\nLesson completed! \nPlease study other looping functions : 'WHILE', 'FOREACH' & 'REPEAT' as well, in order to fully automate the routine. \nHappy coding & good luck! ") (princ) ) if you know little coding? Try to learn or search lwpolyline vertex routines to replace 'L' list, simply then just modify the red
    1 point
  3. Lwpolyline is x y x y 3dpoly is x y z x y z so a quick check of object name. ; pline co-ords example (if (= (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDb3dPolyline") ; divide list by 2 or 3
    1 point
  4. Thanks! nice idea suits OP request, but i'm not sure if remaining distance so just kept both I'm used to using undocumented method too, convenient without variant safearray conversion FWIW, coordinates list can be both '(x y z x y z ....) & '(x y x y ...) , i think OP knows LWPolyline uses the latter
    1 point
  5. hi you joined 2017, so i assume you have 1 year coding experience. This is draft, assuming the Lwpolyline x-direction is in order i.e: start point to enpoint by increasing no backwards or self-intersect. 1.select lwpolyline by entsel or ssget, then get X-distance by getdist or getreal 2.find min & max coordinates from vertex list by entget or vla-get-coordinates 3.loop within min & max x-coordinates, by increasing X-distance from starting point add X-line object & vla-intersecwith lwpolyline object collecting intersections coordinates list, by (setq L (cons ip L)) then entdel the xline entity 4.entmake new lwpolyline with L data 5.invoke command qdim with newly created lwpolyline example: get the intersection ip , where p= incremental coordinates by x-direction & en= lwpolyline entity (setq xl (entmakex (list '(0 . "XLINE") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbXline") (cons 10 p) (cons 11 (getvar 'ucsydir)) ) ) ) (setq [b][color="red"]ip[/color][/b] (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object xl) '[color="blue"]intersectwith[/color] (vlax-ename->vla-object en) acExtendNone ) ) )
    1 point
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