The previous post#2 is graphical method i.e: can be done manually by
array or offset X-line with osmode 33
This is another math function from library
;2D coordinates only
;list must be incremental in X direction
;only single occurence[/color]
(defun hp:IntersOnX (p l / xy)
(setq xy '((x)(mapcar '* x '(1.0 1.0)))
p (xy p))
(assoc T
(list (vl-some ''((x)(equal p (xy x) 1e-4)) l) p)
(mapcar ''((a b / d )(setq d (xy (mapcar '- b a)))
(<= (car a) (car p) (car b))
(list (car p) (+ (cadr a) (* (- (car p) (car a))
(if (vl-some 'zerop d) 0. (/ 1. (apply '/ d ))))))
l (cdr l)
example test
[color="green"];example list without duplicates[/color]
(setq [color="red"][b]L[/b][/color]'((-82.133 26.692) (-48.8729 57.0485) (-11.0094 57.0485) (17.675 41.0031) (34.8857 7.76624) (34.8857 -49.5388) (56.6859 -73.6069) (111.76 -73.6069)) )
(hp:IntersOnX [color="red"]'(0. 0.)[/color] l ) [color="green"]; or replace red with (getpoint)[/color]
[color="green"];(0.0 50.8901) [/color]
manipulate the function using loop WHILE, FOREACH, MAPCAR , REPEAT, vl-remove-if etc..
if i have free time, will post some examples
using alert as comment, read it step by step
(defun c:example ( / l pnt pt )
[color="green"];example to use function hp:IntersOnX[/color]
;hanhphuc 05.05.2018
(setq [color="red"][b]L[/b][/color] '((-82.133 26.692) (-48.8729 57.0485) (-11.0094 57.0485) (17.675 41.0031) (34.8857 7.76624) (34.8857 -49.5388) (56.6859 -73.6069) (111.76 -73.6069)) )
(alert (strcat "Example we have a point list 'L' : \n\n" (vl-princ-to-string l) "\n
\nWe'll then use 'L' list to draw a LwPolyline"))
(LWP l)
"The 'hp:IntersOnX' sub-function requires 2 arguments, i.e: P=point & L=list, for point here we can use GETPOINT function :\n
(setq PNT (GETPOINT \"Type prompt massage within the quote marks\" ))
\nThis prompts user to specify a point then SETQ function to store the point coordinates in variable 'PNT'.
\n\nLet's try it next.. "
(while (not pnt)
(and (setq pnt (getpoint "\nSpecify any point within the X-range of LwPolyline.. "))
(<= (caar l) (car pnt)(car(last l)))
(alert (strcat "\nYou have just picked "(vl-princ-to-string p)"\n\n" "next we'll try to supply the 'PNT' in the sub-function :
\n(hp:IntersOnX PNT L)"))
(progn (princ "Oops! ")(setq pnt nil))
(alert (strcat "\nSo the result "
(vl-princ-to-string pnt)
", X-intersects with 'L' list is : \n\n"
(if (setq pt (hp:IntersOnX pnt l))
(strcat (vl-princ-to-string pt)" ! as we can see both X equal, only Y changes. \n"
"Oops.. Out of range !?"
"\nNext, we proceed multiple method."
(prompt "\nA circle is marked at the X-intersected point! Zoom in and see.. ")
(entmakex (list '(0 . "CIRCLE")(cons 10 pt)(cons 40 2.0)'(62 . 1)))
(getpoint "\nPress any [ENTER] to proceed.. ")
(alert (strcat "Let's say we want X-interval 10 unit measured from starting point .\nAs example 0 to 100, we populate the incremental values in a list..
\n(list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ..... <etc..> ) "))
(alert (strcat "\nThis 'hp:IntersOnX' sub-function only can run in single stake, so if there are many data we can use loop or iteration functions to handle it.
\nThe starting point =(list X Y) & d= X-distance, to iterate (X+d Y) here we use MAPCAR as an example :
(function (lambda (d) (hp:IntersOnX (list (+ d (caar l) 0.004) 0.0) l)))
(list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100) ;<--- to modify here
;;; "\nNote: You can add more in list. (list 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 .... )"
) ;_ end of alert
(alert (strcat "\nHere's the output: a new point list of X-intersections (by 10 unit incremental), we can use it to draw a new LwPolyline or entmod existing LwPolyline.
(vl-princ-to-string'((-82.133 26.692) (-72.133 35.819) (-62.133 44.946) (-52.133 54.073) (-42.133 57.0485) (-32.133 57.0485)
(-22.133 57.0485) (-12.133 57.0485) (-2.133 52.0832) (7.867 46.4895) (17.867 40.6323))
"\n\nIn this example we'll redraw a new LwPolyline then command: _QDIM "
(vl-cmdf "_QDIM"
(LWP (mapcar ''((d) (trans (hp:IntersOnX (list (+ d (caar l) 1e-4) 0.0) l) 1 0))
'([color="red"]0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100[/color])[color="green"] ; suggestion - while loop [/color]
(if (/= (getvar 'cmdecho)0) (command))
(alert "\nLesson completed! \nPlease study other looping functions : 'WHILE', 'FOREACH' & 'REPEAT' as well, in order to fully automate the routine.
\nHappy coding & good luck! ")
if you know little coding?
Try to learn or search lwpolyline vertex routines to replace 'L' list,
simply then just modify the red